10 Must-follow UI/UX Principles for Mobile App Design in 2024

Mayanka Pant
Apr 23, 2024


With technology spreading like wildfire, mobile apps have become a potent tool for businesses, drawing in potential customers like a magnet. While these digital apps have the power to attract people to your business, but their UI/UX design elements are what keep them interacting and engaged. Did you know that 90% of users leave an app due to a bad user experience and poor navigation? So, now think where you see your app - among those 90% that were abandoned or the rest 10% that were successful in delivering what exactly a user wants. If you choose a second option, then you will definitely need to understand the UI/UX principles for mobile app design

As said, an intuitive user interface (UI) and user experience (UX) are essential to keep users engaged, which translates into higher retention rates, better sales opportunities, and so on. If you want your mobile app to be the first choice of users when they want a product or service, all your focus should be on creating an app UI design that meets their expectations. According to Statista, 54% of millennials prefer apps over websites for shopping due to ease of use. 

Working on the UI/UX designs is one of the most crucial steps in the entire mobile app development process, so it should be treated likewise. Additionally, it is that stage of development where your decisions are way more important for the development team. Therefore, it becomes imperative for businesses to have complete knowledge of UI/UX design principles for mobile apps so they can better know the next step. To help you out with this topic, here’s an ultimate guide to understanding the UI/UX design principles. 

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Top 10 UX/UI Statistics to Know in 2024

  • Forester's research indicates that a well-designed user interface (UI) can boost a website's conversion rate by as much as 200%, and an improved user experience (UX) design can increase the conversion rate by up to 400%. (Source: Forester)
  • Investing just $1 in UX design can yield a return on investment (ROI) ranging from $2 to $100. (Source: Truelist)
  • It's worth noting that 13% of customers will share their negative experiences with 15 or more people. (Source: Slideshare)
  • Interestingly, around 21% of mobile apps are only used once. (Source: Statistica)
  • Aesthetic appeal is the primary reason for 52% of users not returning to a website. (Source: Statistica)
  • Poor performance has led 90% of users to abandon an app. (Source: Toptal)
  • 39% of users will disengage with content if it takes too long to load. (Source: Adobe)
  • Usability tests on a group of five users can detect 85% of UX-related issues. (Source: Smallbizgenius)
  • 57% of users surveyed said they wouldn't recommend a business with a poorly designed mobile interface. (Source: Socpub)
  • Customers with a negative mobile experience with a brand are 62% less likely to make future purchases. (Source: UXcam)


What Is Mobile App Design?

Mobile app design is the process of creating interfaces for mobile applications. Each app serves a unique purpose, yet certain elements tie them all together—accessibility, usability, engagement, and user experience. In essence, mobile app design is a combination of user interface (UI) and user experience (UX).

Mobile app designers must consider key components such as templates, themes, font size, user data, font color, button types, and widgets to enhance the app's performance. This ensures that the app looks good and works efficiently, providing a seamless experience for the user. Remember, the goal is to create an app that is easy to use, engaging, and meets the needs of the user. 

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Key Differences Between UX and UI

While many use UX and UI interchangeably, both design elements have distinct meanings. Indeed, UX and UI work hand-in-hand, but their definitions, objectives, and applications vary. So, before we dive in to explore the latest UI/UX design principles for mobile apps, let’s first understand the key differences in these elements: 


User Experience (UX)

User Interface (UI)


UX enhances customer satisfaction by improving the usability and ease of use provided by the interaction between the customer and the product.

The User Interface (UI) serves as the bridge connecting the user to a digital device or product. It encompasses all the elements that a user interacts with—the buttons they click, the text they peruse, the images they view, the sliders they adjust, and the text fields they fill out.


UX focuses on the overall feel of the experience and the story it tells the user. It’s about how the product works and feels.

UI focuses on the look and layout. It’s about how the product is laid out and how users interact with it.


UX includes aspects such as information architecture, user research, wireframing, and prototyping.

UI includes aspects such as typography, color schemes, button shapes, and animations.


UX design aims to create a seamless, simple, and useful interaction between a user and a product.

UI design aims to visually guide the user through a product’s interface via interactive elements and across all sizes/platforms.


A UX designer ensures the product logically flows from one step to the next.

A UI designer ensures each page visually communicates the path laid out by the UX designer.

Importance of UI/UX Design for Mobile Apps

In today's digital era, users expect a seamless, fast, and intuitive mobile experience. If this expectation is not met, they take no time to disengage from your brand. For instance, if users struggle to navigate the information they need or the product they desire due to poor navigation or design, they will discontinue using your mobile app. This can have a significant impact on revenue. 

As mentioned earlier, customers who have negative experiences with mobile apps are 62% less likely to make a purchase from that brand. Furthermore, 70% of consumers state that page load time, being a crucial aspect of a good mobile app user experience (UX), influences their purchasing decisions.


Another factor that underscores the importance of mobile UX is its effect on Search Engine Optimization (SEO). Google's mobile-first indexing primarily evaluates a website's mobile version for its ranking. A subpar mobile app UX could negatively affect your SEO, making it more challenging for your target audience to discover you.

Moreover, a visually appealing mobile app UX encourages mobile users to engage with your content. This engagement allows you to gather more user data, which can guide future design decisions and help deliver experiences that align with customer expectations.

Remember, a well-designed mobile app UX can enhance brand recognition, boost engagement, foster customer trust, and ultimately facilitate higher sales.

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Latest UI/UX Design Principles for Mobile Apps (Updated for 2024)

With our best industry knowledge and team of UI/UX experts, we have created a list of the latest UI/UX design principles for mobile apps that will surely make a bigger difference in 2024 and the years to come. So, let’s take a look at them:

#1 User Research and Analysis

User research is everything in making a mobile app optimized for users, and mobile app design is no different. It helps you understand what your users expect from your mobile application. Focusing on a user-centric design ensures that your mobile app is tailored to solve user issues.

User research allows you to identify and comprehend your target users' challenges. Recognizing these challenges guides the design strategy, paving the way for a high-performing mobile app for your enterprise.


The kind of data you seek determines the research methodologies you can use to gather valuable insights. Generally, user research methodologies fall into two categories: qualitative and quantitative research. 

Qualitative research enables the researcher to understand and answer subjective questions with detailed explanations, while quantitative research provides them with measurable data (numbers and statistics).

These categories can be further broken down into various research methods, such as:

  • Surveys,
  • Interviews,
  • Group Discussions,
  • Diary Studies,
  • Ethnographic Field Studies,

UX researchers often engage a target audience segment to gather relevant data for the app design. Analyzing the user data obtained from these research techniques can yield unique insights that can help develop the most effective mobile app design strategy.

#2 Simplified Onboarding

The onboarding or sign-up process is the first step your users have to go through before using your mobile app, so it should be seamless and easy. If users encounter difficulties in the first place, achieving a high number of in-app conversions becomes an uphill task.

Did you know 39% of users abandon their cart due to difficulty in entering their personal information? Therefore, by simplifying the onboarding process, we can mitigate user frustration and attrition, leading to quicker conversions.

It is essential that users understand the app's functionality easily during their first interactions. You can even offer social media integration, which allows your users to sign up using their social media accounts. 

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#3 Intuitive Navigation and Information Architecture

Intuitive navigation helps users find their desired information or service within your mobile app. The process of creating intuitive navigation includes UX designers crafting app sitemaps and information structures that align perfectly with the user's journey. By meticulously mapping out user journeys and task flows, designers can develop innovative sitemaps for the application.

To enhance navigation, it's crucial to organize the app's menu in a straightforward way, thereby enabling users to locate what they need effortlessly. An additional method to enhance navigation is to incorporate a search function that spans the entire app, permitting users to find specific products or services within your business application. 

#4 Visual Design and Branding

Maintaining a uniform visual design is one of the most crucial UI/UX design principles for mobile apps. This can significantly boost user confidence in your brand. Aligning your app's branding with your other brand assets (like your website, logo, etc.) can help users associate the app with your brand. This familiarity can lead to an increase in app downloads and, subsequently, more user engagement and conversions.

To enhance your app's UI design, it's important to create a consistent visual design and branding throughout the app. This encompasses elements like colors (usually the brand colors), typography, iconography, and illustration styles.

Furthermore, by utilizing visual design principles such as emphasis, contrast, and movement, you can draw user attention to important areas like the call-to-action (CTA) button to boost in-app conversion rates.

#5 Optimizing Content Presentation


The art of UX writing is a crucial element in the mobile app development process. The content and its position contribute significantly to the visual interaction within the app. Given the compact nature of mobile screens in comparison to desktops, it's essential to tailor your content display to suit the screen size and orientation.

By providing app content that is both highly personalized and relevant, you can enhance user engagement, encouraging users to spend more time interacting with the app. This, in turn, can lead to an increase in conversion rates.

Moreover, the structure of your content can be a persuasive tool in influencing users' conversion decisions. A content structure that is easy to navigate, coupled with compelling copywriting techniques, can prompt users to take swift conversion actions, thereby boosting your mobile application's conversion rate.

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#6 Seamless User Flows and Interaction Design

User Flows represent a comprehensive perspective of all potential interactions a user might have within a mobile app to complete essential tasks. Depending on the nature of the business app, these tasks could involve a purchase or any other action that leads to conversion.

UX Designers can craft instinctive user flows for the app's primary tasks, focusing on the significant issues that the app resolves for its users. Incorporating interactive UI components such as images, videos, animations, and micro-interactions within the app can enhance user engagement.

Going beyond, interactive design components can be used to deliver personalized experiences tailored to user preferences, behaviors, or locations. By customizing the app's content, suggestions, or promotions for each user, you can foster a sense of relevance and boost the probability of conversion. 

#7 Streamlined Checkout and Conversion Process

The checkout process often frustrates users. By simplifying it, UX designers can alleviate the stress and potential user drop-offs during checkout and enhance the checkout experience by minimizing the steps required to complete a purchase. 

By focusing on the most crucial fields during checkout, users can finalize their purchases more swiftly. Additionally, visually representing the checkout process can help users feel more comfortable and complete their purchase.


Another significant concern for many users is the security of in-app transactions. Combining robust app security features with simple payment methods can resolve buyers' concerns and frustrations. 

A simple notification screen indicating the completion of a transaction can effectively motivate users to make purchases and improve conversion rates.

#8 Performance and Technical Considerations

How well your mobile app performs directly impacts its conversion rates. Factors such as speed, seamless transitions, and compatibility with various platforms significantly influence an app's performance.

UI/UX designers can enhance app loading speed by optimizing UI components like images, videos, and other graphical elements. Elements of smaller size load more quickly, but it's essential to ensure that their quality remains intact. 

When designing a mobile app, it's advisable to prioritize the design's responsiveness. This ensures that users can access the app on any device, with the app's dimensions adjusting to the screen's orientation.

Furthermore, it's vital to test the application to assess its performance. This enables designers to identify and rectify any issues with the app's design before it's launched in the market. This approach ensures a smooth and enjoyable user experience.

#9 Iterative Design and Continuous Improvement

A key principle in mobile UI/UX design is to continually refine the design based on user feedback and UX testing data. However, it's crucial to focus on feedback that enhances the user experience while not getting sidetracked by aesthetic suggestions that may divert attention from the core issue.

The process of design iteration is ongoing, adapting to new market trends, added features or functionalities, or even the client's changing preferences. It's essential to address the primary issue and its resolution first. Otherwise, the pursuit of endless iterations could become a never-ending quest for perfection, resulting in a postponed app launch.

#10. Neumorphic Design (3D elements)

When it comes to the latest UI/UX design principles of mobile apps, we can’t ignore 3D elements. The role of buttons and icons is crucial for an app that aims to deliver an exceptional user experience. Neumorphic design essentially involves transforming the icon and button concepts from the 2010s into multi-dimensional elements.

This design approach, also known as Skeuomorphism, involves integrating real-world objects with 3D graphics. Having gained popularity in the past decade, it appears that Neumorphic design is making a resurgence, this time with an added flair. Designing a Skeuomorphic interface can be labor-intensive, but the end results are nothing short of extraordinary.


The 2024’s updated UI/UX design principles for mobile apps are way more focused on elevating the user experience than just offering a visually appealing app. These design principles allow designers to work on every aspect of UI and UX, including making them intuitive, aesthetically attractive, and highly engaging. 

With the dominance of user-focused designs and trends, we can expect to witness magnificent changes in the mobile app design industry. While UI/UX design principles are essential for optimizing mobile apps for your targeted audience, it is not everyone’s cup of tea. 

We at Mtoag Technologies offer best-in-class UI/UX design and consulting services to help you create a mobile app that meets your users' requirements. So, feel free to contact us today and see your mobile app reach skyscraping heights.

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