All you need to know about Flutter 1.12

Yogesh Pant
Feb 08, 2020

Flutter the fastest growing cross platform mobile app development SDK is an Open Source UI toolkit created by Google Developers get a free hand to create interactive and intuitive mobile, web and desktops applications simultaneously. It is used for building natively tuned Android and iOS applications through the same code base.


The inception of Flutter happened somewhere around 2015 when it was introduced by Google in the beta stage. However, it was officially launched in December 2018. Since, then it has substantially gained the reputation of being theblue-eyed boy for mobile app development and still progressing. Nonetheless it has attained the status of being one of the 11 top software repos according to Github stars.

Nowadays one can witness a huge influx of Android and iOS Flutter apps available on the app stores. Some of the well-known apps include Google Ads a utility app, Cryptograph the finance app, the Xianyu made by Alibaba with a user base of more than 50 million users, and countless others.

Google hosted an event on December 11, 2019 named Flutter Interact to showcase the release of Flutter 1.12 with a gamut of impressionable announcements for both iOS and Android app development.


Now you may wonder what exactly comes with the recent version, Flutter 1.12? What is it focused on and what impact will it have on developers, start-ups, brand image and so on?

Ambient Computing

Ambient computing is a blend of hardware, software, UX, machine learning and the collaboration between man and machine. It is meant to ably assist iOS and Android app development programmers to easily code their apps while working with Google’s Dart programming language. They can seamlessly run the code through multiple platforms without needing to change it for each platform or version. Through Flutter 1.12 mobile apps can be simultaneously deployed on iOS, Android, Desktop, Web and future concepts such as Fuchsia.

Latest features available with Flutter 1.12

Dart 2.7 for mobile app development

Dart 2.7 the latest version after Dart 2.5 is more stable and performance savvy. Dart language is a contemporary object-oriented language used to write Flutter apps. The C-style syntax used in Dart can optionally compile into JavaScript for being executed by various browsers. Mobile app developers can reprocess the same code together for web and mobile app development.

Beta Stage Web Support

The latest version of Flutter provides the beta stage web support. This makes it stress-free for mobile app developers to work on the Flutter architecture with the Dart compiler.

Dark Mode in iOS 13

The new release of Flutter 1.12 enables full backing for Dark Mode in iOS 13. Cupertino the iOS flavored widgets are also available here for auto enabling into the dark mode setting of the device. You also get a shorter long press time, enhanced haptic feedback and reduced drag on scrollbar accessibility.

MacOS Desktop Support

Programmers are charmed with the ease of using release mode while creating fully functional MacOS applications. They can also integrate Material Design features in flutter inspired software. Further enhancements include keyboard navigation, menu dropdown, radio buttons, visual density assistance and checkboxes along with other features.

Add-to App Upgrade

This new feature officially aids in adding Flutter to your present Android and iOS apps. It also helps to migrate either of the app versions to Flutter.

Updation of DartPad

The updated version of DartPad helps in assessing the rendered UI and also aids in effectively running of Flutter codes.


Augmentations in the Android Build

Android app development has become more cutting-edge now with the integration of plugins from support libraries containing AndroidX. You can find an alternative code path to use Archive files and Jetifier the plugins facing development issues or switched off. An android app development company can use the Flutter Module option from the new Android Studio. This helps in seamless adding of Flutter to their existing and undergoing development projects.

Flutter Plugin with Adobe XD

Through the Flutter plugin mobile app developers can access Adobe XD.Flutter can be leveraged to auto change XD designs into code. Developers can prototype and design a smooth UX for web, desktop, mobile users seamlessly.

Layout Explorer in Dart DevTools

The introduction of Layout Explorer feature in Flutter 1.12 is now present in Dart DevTools. This helps in eliminating code related issues and exemplifies the depiction of your screen layout effectively.

Google Fonts

The new inception of Google Fonts package will benefit designers to add appealing typography. The new package contains nearly 1000 Open Source Font groups. Let's your projects with highly demanding Cryptocurrency Development Company in USA.

Debugging Multi-Devices

Mobile app development programmers can use this newest feature for debugging Flutter UI apps on multiple devices at a single go.

No Reliance on OEM

Flutter apps have their very own highly pepped up rendering engine to draw widgets. Thus they do not need to rely on OEM widgets nor use Web View for building mobile apps.

Testing Golden Image Files

The Golden Image file helps to visualize the actual rending of a widget, app, provided state or any visual depiction. In the latest Flutter 1.12 version you get the Local File Comparator and the Golden File Comparator. They enable developers to compare through pixels and not bits thereby reducing false positives. This leverages in displaying the viewable difference of the updates to the golden image undergoing testing.

Effect of the release of Flutter 1.12

Well-known Businesses

Well established businesses can improve their resources by utilizing the same code on various platform flavors to deliver seamless experience.


They can test their start-up ideas in targeting more than one prospective market segments to get a well-informed insight.

Designers of UI/UX

Designers will benefit with Flutter’s Hot Reload option to preview code changes in the simulator or emulator without recompiling the app. This will help in faster development for iOS or Android app development. Designers would be able to experiment in creating APIs for 2D, graphics, animations, special effects and so on.

Mobile Application Developers

iOS and Android Mobile App Development company will benefit the most with Flutter 1.12. Front end layout requirements and backend development will be possible by using the same code for cross platform development. This will ensure faster development and increase savings for the mobile app development company.

An Insight on Flutter development

Flutter 1.12 has appeared as a game changer for cross platform mobile app development. As for now the future seems really shining for Flutter and more can be expected with its forthcoming version of Flutter 1.13.

If you are looking to go in for Flutter apps for your mobile app development solutions, Mtoag is just a call away. Mtoag is leading mobile and website Development Company, USA focusing on iPhone, iPad & Android apps.

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