Mobile Application Security Testing

You can safeguard your applications against consumer data breaches by using Mtoag Technology's certified mobile application security testing, which identifies vulnerabilities and provides complete visibility via a comprehensive vulnerability report.

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Techniques for Mobile Apps Security Testing

Collect Data for Mobile Apps

Our team collects pertinent data on the mobile application, including use cases, business logic, and other relevant information.

Modeling of Threats

To create an application threat profile, list all potential hazards and related threats. With the use of custom test strategies, testers may mimic assaults and evaluate actual risks rather than just general weaknesses.

Simulation of Backend/Server Side Attacks

Backends like web services and APIs provide the program's functionality. Our mobile security testing team simulates the mobile application's use of web services and APIs.

Simulated Network Layer Attack

Network layer attack simulation is a crucial component of mobile security services. It entails evaluating transport layer security, recording network traffic, and launching communication channel assaults.

Simulation of Client-Side Attacks

The main areas of attention for client-side attack simulation are the interaction with the platform, local storage, encryption usage, binary and final analysis, insecure API calls, and files with sufficient access constraints.

Retests and Reporting

We will make reports detailing the dangers noted in the mobile application available. The Mobile Application Security Testing Report includes remedial and risk-rating advice.

Retests are conducted to confirm that vulnerabilities have been closed.

Mapping Applications

Determine the application's specifics and relate them to the different elements of the generated threat profile. Key chains, brute-force attacks, parameter manipulation, malicious input, fuzzing, SQLite database password fields, configuration file encryption, session IDs, and time lockouts are a few examples of variables. Manage exceptions and errors, as well as logs and access control for them.

Looking For A Mobile Application Security Testing Company

What is Mobile Applications Security Testing?

Testing mobile applications for security vulnerabilities by simulating how a malevolent attacker may choose to exploit them is known as mobile application security testing or assessment. This evaluation can help you determine if your mobile application is ready for production.

Mtoag Technology is an Indian CREST Penetration Testing Services provider for Mobile Application Security Testing and Assessment. We assist you in determining if mobile apps are ready for production.

Today's enterprises use mobile apps extensively to provide their customers and employees with a smooth business experience. These might include m-commerce apps, banking apps, healthcare platforms, and other commercial apps. It is critical to recognize and address these mobile applications' security vulnerabilities to safeguard employees and clients.

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Our Method

Mtoag Technology's mobile testing procedure consists of the following:


Creating Test Plans

The mobile testing team writes test cases and test suites.



Our mobile testing team tests and notifies the PM and developers of any problems found.


Examining the Specifications for the Project

Our mobile testing team will review the specifications for your project and find any gaps in the system.


Examining test findings

The mobile testing team covers testing outcomes throughout the specified cycle, offering ad hoc information and test reports.


Choosing Gadgets and Organizing the Procedure

It is not feasible to test the app on every mobile device model due to the exponential growth in the number of device models. We choose the target devices based on your specifications as well as the data for the target area and user population in order to guarantee extensive and fair device coverage. Next, in close collaboration with the rest of the project team, our mobile testing team organizes testing tasks in relation to your project's milestones. It establishes the parameters that allow the testing process to begin, pause, continue, or end.

Benefits of Mobile Security Testing

Minimize Breaches of Mobile Applications

Attackers are increasingly choosing to target mobile apps because of their accessibility. By identifying mobile application vulnerabilities early and fixing them before an attacker discovers them, mobile application security testing lowers the chance of mobile app breaches.

Grow Your Company with Safe Mobile Applications

The use of mobile apps surpasses that of these online applications and is still growing. Secure mobile apps are more likely to win over users' confidence and loyalty. Mobile application Security Testing helps your company's scalability.

Fulfill Compliance Requirements

Mobile app security testing is an essential necessity in today's regulated environment due to compliance with rules and standards like PCI DSS, OWASP, GDPR, HIPAA, NIST, RBI CSF, SAMA CSF, NESA, and many more.

Want to Hire Mobile App developers for your Project ?

Take a Look at Our Portfolio and Discover App Ideas Brought to Life

We Don't Just Use Technology; We Live It! Our dedicated team of experts creates innovative mobile app solutions that empower businesses and transform ideas into reality. Check out our portfolio and experience the difference between working with a team that truly understands and embraces the power of technology.

Industries We Serve

Why Settle with Mtoag Technology?


Dependable Approach

Gain a thorough understanding via an established hybrid testing procedure.


Assure Data Security

Find data leaks that result from the top 10 OWASP problems.


Bolster Backend Technology

Make sure servers and backend services are reliable and secure.


Make Sure Web Apps Are Robust

Ensure that your web application is resistant to real-world online threats.


Correct Business Logic

Personalized checklist built in accordance with the application's business logic


Determine App Weaknesses

Determine the potential areas of emphasis for attackers to exploit vulnerabilities.


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