The Secrets to Finding the Best Time to Post on Instagram

Mayanka Pant
Oct 14, 2024


How often have you struggled to get as much engagement with your Instagram post as anticipated? Well, if you ask us…we will say many times. It is common for businesses to face such an unpredicted situation. Blaming your content creator, graphic designer, or social media manager won’t help; sometimes, problems persist with the post timing. In such a situation, finding the best time to post on Instagram becomes necessary in your digital marketing efforts. 

As we can see, Instagram has emerged as a viable marketing platform in recent times. It is actually helping brands promote their products to targeted audiences. Surprisingly, the current stats from Hootsuite highlight that fashion brands are the top search category on the platform with a 12% share, followed by Hair and Makeup with 11% and Interior Design with 10%. Now, think how crucial it is to get high-quality content and photos of your products in front of your potential audience’s eyes at the right time. 

Sharing Instagram posts, stories, reels, and carousels at the right times for engagement is essential for your social media marketing strategy. So, in this post, we will find out the best time to post on Instagram for engagement, explaining the platform’s algorithms and best practices to get more likes and views on Instagram. Let’s get started!

Key Instagram Statistics to Know in 2024

Before we move onto our main topic, here are some surprising Instagram stats and demographics you should know in 2024: 

  • Instagram has nearly 2 billion monthly users globally. (Source: AgoraPlus)
  • On average, 130 million Instagrammers click on at least one shopping post monthly (Source: AgoraPlus)
  • 51% of people in the US check their Instagram at least once a day and 35% check more than that. (Source: AgoraPlus)
  • A study revealed that posting on Instagram in the afternoon generates 21% more clicks than in the morning. Meanwhile, late-night posting leads to a 9.7% decrease in click rates. (Source: American Marketing Association)
  • The global social eCommerce market will likely surpass $1 trillion by the end of 2024. (Source: Deloitte)


Does It Really Matter What Time I Post on Instagram?

The simple answer to his question is Yes - but it is not the only factor that does all the magic. Finding the best time to post on Instagram increases the chances of your audience seeing and engaging with your feed posts, reels, or any other content. Why so? Because your community may be online at that time, scrolling their feeds increases the chances of commenting, saving, liking, or sharing your post. 

And what’s more interesting is that your post’s engagement will help you a lot in fitting Instagram’s algorithm. The more engagement your Instagram post gets, the more likely it will be shared with other users. 

With that being said, consistency and content creation are as essential as your posting time. If your post doesn’t resonate with your audience, your Instagram posting time won’t make much difference. 


When is the Best Time to Post on Instagram in 2024?

The best time to post on Instagram depends on whether it's a weekday or a weekend. However, the best time is generally between 7 and 8 a.m. After analyzing tons of Instagram posts, we found that the posts shared during this time got the most engagement from others. 

This time is particularly best because people usually wake up at this time, and most of them tend to check their phones before getting out of bed. Additionally, they scroll down Instagram while commuting to work in the morning. There might be a sudden uptick in Instagram engagement around the afternoon during the lunch breaks. 

At the same time, there might be a slight increase in engagement rates around 4 p.m., especially on Thursdays and Fridays. These are the days of the week when an Instagram user mentally checks out work as the weekend nears. 

The Best Time to Post Reels on Instagram in 2024


It's widely known that Instagram Reels can boost engagement in 2024. After examining over a million Reels from around the world, we discovered:

  • The best time to post Reels on Instagram is 4 AM (local time across different time zones).
  • The best day to share Instagram Reels is Thursday.

Posting early in the morning likely means less competition and a higher chance of reaching users who are browsing the Reels feed.

The Best Day to Post on Instagram

The best day to post on Instagram is Thursday, with the highest engagement rates for posts at 4 AM. This supports the idea that posting early in the morning leads to better interaction. 

By being among the first to share content each week, you maximize the chances of your posts being noticed by your audience.

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The Best Times to Post on Instagram by Day

We know the best overall day to post on Instagram, but what about the best times for each day of the week? So, here are the best times of the day to post on Instagram: 

  • Monday: 11 AM to 2 PM
  • Tuesday: 10 AM to 4 PM
  • Wednesday: 9 AM to 4 PM
  • Thursday: 9 AM to 1 PM
  • Friday: 11 AM
  • Saturday: 9 AM to 12 PM
  • Sunday: 10 AM to 12 PM

Check out the analysis below for more details on the best days and times to post on Instagram.


The Best Time to Post on Instagram on Monday

The ideal time to post on Instagram on Mondays is between 11 a.m. and 2 p.m. While engagement is fairly good from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m., the peak hours are during the typical lunch break.

The Best Time to Post on Instagram on Tuesday

Engagement nearly doubles on Tuesdays compared to Mondays. The best time to post on Instagram on Tuesday is from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m.

The Best Time to Post on Instagram on Wednesday

Wednesdays have the highest engagement of the week. The best times to post are from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m., with even the moderate engagement times lasting longer than on Tuesdays or Thursdays.

The Best Time to Post on Instagram on Thursday

Like Wednesdays, the best times to post on Instagram on Thursdays are from 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. and again at 2 p.m. Engagement drops slightly at 1 p.m.

The Best Time to Post on Instagram on Friday

Engagement dips as the weekend approaches, but the workday still sees moderate activity. The best time to post on Fridays is at 11 a.m., with good engagement a few hours before and after this peak time.

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The Best Time to Post on Instagram on Saturday

Weekends generally see less engagement across most social platforms. On Instagram, there's a noticeable drop in activity compared to weekdays. However, you can still expect light to average engagement. The best time to post on Saturdays is from 9 a.m. to noon.

The Best Time to Post on Instagram on Sunday

Similar to Saturdays, Sundays have lower engagement throughout the day. The best time to post on Instagram on Sundays is from 10 a.m. to noon.

Why Should You Post on Instagram at a Specific Time?

We understand that for many marketers, managing social media can feel like just another task on a busy day. While it might seem convenient to post whenever you have time, there are important reasons to post on Instagram at specific and consistent times.

So, here are some benefits you get when you post on Instagram at a specific time: 

Enhancing Visibility

Research from eMarketer shows that US adults spend around 33 minutes daily on Instagram, which adds up to about 15 hours each month. Posting when your most active users are online can significantly increase the visibility of your content.

Expanding Your Audience

By posting at optimal times, your content is more likely to be seen by your current followers and potentially new ones. A machine learning engineer's graphic highlights several factors that help new users discover your posts, one of which is engagement. 

When you post while your followers are active, it can boost engagement, thereby increasing the likelihood that new users will find your account and posts on Instagram.

Increasing Engagements

In 2023, HubSpot found that the global average engagement rate on Instagram was 6%, a slight increase from the previous year.

Engagement on Instagram works like ripples in a pond. The first ripple is easy to see: if your post gets likes, comments, and saves right away, it will likely show up in more people's feeds.

Other ripples come from features like Favorites, Shopping, and Search & Explore. Each of these has its own algorithm and values engagement differently.

For instance, if your followers mark you as a "Favorite," your posts will appear at the top of their feeds every time they log in.

Engagement rates and user behavior also influence which posts appear at the top of Explore pages. Posting at the right time can lead to more comments, messages, and saves, creating more chances for engagement.


Building a Loyal Audience

Building loyalty takes time and effort, especially for small businesses competing with big brands on social media. Posting during peak times on Instagram can help you reach more of your audience and start building those relationships.

Loyalty isn't just about great products and customer service but also about reliability. Posting at peak times helps you maintain a consistent presence in your followers' lives and sets expectations for when they can hear from you.

For example, if you run a media business in the Pacific time zone but a third of your customers are in the Australian Eastern time zone, posting from 9 AM to 5 PM PST means your posts will appear between 3 AM and 11 AM for your Australian customers, and many won't see them.

If an unhappy customer in Australia posts a story about your brand that you miss, it could shape the entire audience's perception of your business.

Knowing when your audience is online is crucial for meeting them where they are and building brand loyalty.

Testing New Algorithms

Like many online platforms, Instagram frequently updates its features to enhance user experience. As a business, it's crucial to quickly grasp how these updates might affect your audience and adjust your strategy accordingly, especially regarding algorithm changes.

Algorithms can be quite intricate. Instagram officials mention that each app section operates with its own algorithm, and they don't always disclose the specifics.

If you're fortunate, social media analysts will investigate and share their findings online promptly. If not, you can conduct your analysis by tracking the performance of your posts.

The key to conducting effective and reliable tests to understand which content your audience sees after an update is maintaining a consistent posting schedule. The fewer variables in your test, the more dependable your results will be.

Posting at optimal times for your Instagram audience ensures you reach the largest number of viewers and gather more data.

Understanding New Features

Your posting schedule can also help you learn new Instagram features. Carousels, Stories, and Reels are distinct elements of Instagram, and their engagement rates can vary depending on your content and industry.

When Instagram introduces new features, it takes time to understand:

  • What the new feature does
  • When users encounter the new feature
  • How users interact with it
  • Resources needed to create content for the feature

The quicker you comprehend a new feature, the better you'll be able to leverage it before your competitors. For instance, Instagram's blog post guides users on how to see more of what they want in their feeds.

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Streamlining Your Posting Schedule

Knowing the best times to post for your audience can simplify scheduling your posts. Many social media and marketing managers use scheduling tools to streamline the posting process. However, achieving results can be challenging if you don't post at the right times.

It's all about creating the right content at the right time for your audience. Setting specific posting times can also help you develop a more personalized social media calendar tailored to your buyer personas.


By this point, you might have understood how crucial it is to find the best time to post on Instagram to maximize engagement and effectively reach your audience. Understanding your audience's habits and preferences can help you tailor your posting schedule to align with their online activity. 

Analyze your Instagram Insights to identify when your followers are most active. Experiment with different posting times and track the performance of your posts to determine the optimal times for your specific audience. Consistency is key, so maintain a regular posting schedule to engage your audience.

Additionally, consider the type of content you are sharing. Different types of posts, such as photos, videos, and stories, may perform better at other times. Stay updated with Instagram's algorithm changes and new features to adapt your strategy accordingly.

Using social media scheduling tools can help streamline the process and ensure you are posting at the best times. Remember, there is no one-size-fits-all approach, so be prepared to adjust your strategy based on your audience's behavior and preferences.

By following these tips and staying informed about Instagram trends, you can increase your chances of reaching a larger audience and achieving your social media goals.


Is It Important to Post at the Same Time on Instagram?

Posting at the same time consistently can help your audience know when to expect your content, potentially increasing engagement. However, it's also important to experiment with different times to find when your audience is most active.

Is 10 o'clock a Good Time to Post on Instagram?

Yes, 10 AM is generally a good time to post on Instagram, especially on weekdays. This is when many users are active and likely to engage with content.

What Happens If You Don't Post on Instagram for a Long Time?

If you don't post on Instagram for a long time, you may see a drop in engagement and follower growth. However, your existing followers won't disappear, and your content will still be there when you return.

What is the Best Time to Post Instagram Posts?

The best times to post on Instagram are generally between 12-3 PM or 6-9 PM. Mondays, Tuesdays, and Fridays tend to have higher engagement levels.

What is the Worst Time to Post on Instagram?

The worst times to post on Instagram are typically late at night or early in the morning, such as after 8 or 9 PM on weekdays and afternoons on weekends.

What is the Least Popular Day to Post on Instagram?

Sunday is generally considered the least popular day to post on Instagram, as engagement tends to be lower compared to other days of the week.

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