Complete Guide for Starting a Corporate Website Design!

Yogesh Pant
Nov 24, 2022

Starting a web design business may be frightening, especially if you have never done it. However, you can always learn, no matter how little real-world experience you have.

It's a good idea to get familiar with the fundamental principles of effective web design, whether you are seeking to create your website or have hired a professional but want to ensure you are making the correct choices for your company. And this manual is the ideal place to start!

We will go through the fundamentals of excellent corporate website design in 2022 and show you how to focus on the appropriate areas of your online presence. You will also discover how to build a website that emphasizes user experience, functionality, and SEO, in addition to going beyond aesthetic considerations. You will be delighted with the outcomes if you do it this way.

What Characteristics Distinguish a Quality Website?

There are many viewpoints on what makes one Website superior to another. However, acquiring information like this is always preferable from the source.

You don't simply want a website to exist while developing one. Additionally, you want it to appear top of search engine results pages (SERPs), so you can attract as many organic visitors as possible. And user experience will be the significant element influencing how well you do in this respect (UX).

Google claims that the fundamental elements of a positive user experience are as follows:

  • Speed
  • Reliability
  • Integration
  • Engagement

We should be aware that speed is one of the vital deciding variables of UX. We live in the 21st century when mobile gadgets and quick internet connections are widely available. Naturally, we have become used to anticipating that a well-designed website would react instantly and load rapidly.

Returning to the SERP ranking issue, speed is one of the critical requirements for a top spot. Facebook and Google both give high-loading-speed websites and pages preference. Not just that, either. Users demand immediate satisfaction when making an online inquiry, according to research from e-commerce behemoths like Amazon. Bounce rates tend to bounce when things don't go as planned.

Regarding integration and dependability, the primary focus is the need for a website to load as quickly as possible from any location and device. And this also applies to those with sluggish internet connections. For whatever reason, users shouldn't have to worry that they won't be able to visit a website. A dependable, integrated design will consistently provide the same outcomes.

Finally, a website must be visually pleasing and have all the features people are looking for to be engaging. It is essential to keep this in mind while designing for the web. Designers don't merely want to create something that looks good (though websites definitely can be works of art). Additionally, they need to provide a fluid browsing process that is natural and harmoniously combines with the design aspects.

The Argument for Beginning with UX

As you can see from the suggestions above, usability is one of the most important considerations when developing a website. The fact is, however, that this isn't just any old advice.

Research has repeatedly shown that UX characteristics significantly impact how consumers engage with a website. A good user experience may result in losing customers and hurting conversion rates. According to WP Engine, website conversion rates that load in 1-2 seconds as opposed to 5-10 seconds are almost three times higher.  

Furthermore, we now understand that customers have specific expectations for what excellent web design should provide.

Thanks to prevalent web design trends, we can forecast how normal certain online activities are or how much of a learning curve new interactions will need. By keeping these in mind, site designers may remain on top of trends, provide outstanding user experiences, and choose distinctive visual components to help the business with its branding.

There are a few user expectations for Website UX in general to remember:

  • Website visitors anticipate that it will load in under two seconds.
  • They spend around 2.6 seconds getting to a homepage's most eye-catching component.
  • It takes them less than a second after their eyes settle on that area to establish an initial impression (primarily based on design).
  • Websites are often seen in the Z-pattern or F-pattern by speakers of Indo-European languages.
  • They will probably merely scan the text.
  • Based on the design, customers determine a company's legitimacy.
  • They will visit a rival website if they don't like what they see.

You now have the evidence you need to think about beginning your next corporate website design project with a UX-first strategy. It does not imply a narrow concentration on technical details. Instead, strive to provide an incredible aesthetic experience supported by a smooth usability flow.

Still, trying to search for how to do that? Here are the top five design components that need your attention.  

  • Layout

The layout will be the first aspect of the website design you must choose. And the best approach to determine it is to base your choice on how website visitors browse.

Try to accommodate the Z pattern on your homepage, as seen in this example from Each night. Try to draw visitors' attention to your most crucial material by positioning it in visibility hotspots.  

Put your company's (clickable) logo at the top left corner if you adhere to best practices, which is always a smart move when beginning web design. Since it's the first place they will glance, you will be situating your brand right away.

The header should also have login forms, search bars, CTAs, and navigation menus, but you may choose the best variant that complements your overall design. Since not every Website will have all of these provided, Make in mind that less is more, so keep things as simple as possible.

Your business objective and CTA should be placed in the hero portion of your site, which will be the most noticeable area. The perfect course of action is to limit your calls to action to one to prevent confusing or overwhelming your consumers.

Finally, links to your Website's most informational sections, such as the FAQ, terms of service, etc., should be included at the bottom of your homepage. Remember to include your contact information, and social media follow links.

The F-pattern will perform better on product pages, as seen in this typical illustration from Nordstrom Rack. The header information will probably e the same as on your site, but when showcasing your items, you want to draw them in with an eye-catching picture in the top left corner. Add the product description, preferably broken up into brief bullet points and written in plain, primary language, to the right of this area.

  • Organization and Navigation

It's time to consider structure and navigation after deciding the layout style you will use. Web structure, expressed, is how the material on your Website is set together. You need a well-organized system for your site since it will inevitably expand along with your company, preventing user confusion and promoting appropriate indexing by search engines.

Additionally, with larger websites, a clear layout may aid consumers in navigating a site more quickly. It is something that the company Jack Wolfskin excels at since the site structure can be seen just under the navigation menu. Users may go one or more steps back at any moment when shopping without having to enter the store and start again from the beginning.

There are various options available when it comes to navigation menus. The conventional menu is unquestionably the most common, appearing on 88% of websites. However, something is only sometimes the best option for you simply because it's popular because a hamburger menu is simpler to show on tiny screens and takes up less space when not in use. Hence, websites designed for mobile users are more likely to employ them.

  • Scheme of Colours

Numerous websites that deal with web design will advise you to base your color selection on color psychology. Although it may only sometimes be the most excellent option, you can choose that path. Look for methods to produce an aesthetically appealing impact that is simple on the eyes yet makes a big enough statement for your Website visitors to remember you, as opposed to visually restricting your design to specific colors based on their meanings.

Naturally, bear in mind to base your color choices on your target demographic, and remember to keep an eye on what other people are up to. The colors red and yellow and a logo that features the work M are not the best choices if you are looking to launch the next major fast-food chain.  

Visit the websites of Opi and Essie to get a good idea of how companies in the same sector might differentiate themselves. While the two brands have similar fundamental functions, 

OPI favors a more neutral appearance, while Essie experiments with various color combinations.

  • Typography

Unfortunately, typography is often forgotten when it comes to online design. However, it quickly becomes apparent why the font you use can make or break a brand if you consider it a visual representation of verbal language.

Typography can evoke emotions or draw attention to particular parts of your homepage, though it can also help you establish your company as a trustworthy, professional entity. If you have a promotion you want website visitors to notice, for instance, you may place it over a location with a lot of white space and strong contrast, as in this example from Adidas. It shouldn't come as a surprise that the brand's Yeezy launches often sell out in a flash when you consider how prominent the font is on the Website.

Of course, you may take things up a level if you seek methods to stand out.

Transparent Labs decided to go in a more colorful direction with their most recent product release. Given that they are promoting a brand-new whey protein product with a cereal taste, they made a design decision that is spot-on in terms of branding and emotional marketing. The greatest approach to introduce a protein powder to individuals who are interested in more than simply the health advantages is via the color selections, which bring back childhood memories of many people's go-to breakfast option.

  • Content, Media, and Copy

As we have previously discussed, people often scan online information rather than reading it thoroughly. With this in mind, choose the design elements that will enable you to convey your message effectively.

Try to write your material as briefly and plainly as possible. Check the wording's readability rating if you are wondering whether it's entirely correct. Try to keep your paragraphs concise and utilize bullet points if feasible.  

However, in 2020, more than straightforward, understandable language will be needed. Additionally, you must have a variety of material on your Website.

Both images and graphics are standard options that are ideal for most purposes. This kind of visual information will help you get beyond today's short attention spans and guarantee to express your message since it just takes a fraction of a second for a person to digest a picture properly.

Of course, there's always room for improvement. Include videos on your Website, not only the homepage but also the product and how-to sections. It is the medium that generates the greatest amount of interaction and will continue to expand in the years to come. It will still be used by 99% of marketers in 2022 and beyond.

Add video on your homepage, product pages, and even the resources area of your Website if you can, like in the case of Ugg.

How to design a Corporate Website? Know Here!

  • Set a goal.

Be clear about your goals before beginning to develop a website. You should decide which form of Website will assist you in achieving your objectives first since there are so widely different varieties available:

  • A website where you may sell your goods
  • A website where you may display your portfolio
  • A platform for managing and expanding your company
  • A resume-focused website that will appeal to prospective employers
  • A blog where you may impact your expertise to the public
  • A website that hosts events for companies, parties, and weddings
  • A website where copies of images may be purchased and displayed
  • A website for scheduling exercise classes
  • A restaurant's online ordering, delivery, and payment resource

After determining the kind you need, it's time to begin the fun part of constructing your Website. As you go down this route, keep your primary objective in mind and think about how the design will assist you in achieving your goals.

As you develop a website, you will discover that the aspects you decide to use may change what you want to achieve. For instance, if you sell copies of your images online, consider presenting your work in a portfolio style and incorporating a link to an online shop. Or, if you are building a website to help you get the job, a plan, a professional resume website with no frills can be just what you need.

Browse excellent website examples for ideas if you need assistance to see a design that helps you achieve your objective.

  • Select a Website Builder

After deciding on your objective, your next step is to choose the perfect website builder to help you reach it. Without coding experience, you can create, customize, and publish a website using a website builder (also known as CMS).

On the market, there are hundreds of platforms. Still, trying to decide which one to hire? For a good reason, was rated as the finest website builder in the world. Here are a few benefits of using Mtoag:

  • Multiple Price Tiers

Your Website may be created, published, and hosted without charge for as long as you want. 

Premium packages are also made available if you want to enhance your online presence with particular tailored features. Everything you need to flourish online is included in them, from expert templates and web design features t a unique domain name.  

  • Construct Customization

Mtoag provides several creative options for everyone, whether you are an experienced web designer or still learning how to design a website.

  • Professional Solutions

As your website is the center of your online presence, Mtoag collects all necessary professional solutions in one location. For the most significant management experience of your Website and company, tools like email marketing, invoicing, bookings, social network accounts, and more may be incorporated into your website's design. Additionally, you can use Mtoag SEO to optimize your website and enhance your chances of being discovered on Google.

  • Unusual Design Features

Since Mtoag's design elements are adjustable, you may create the precise Website you desire. You will have many choices to start with, including various images and backgrounds as well as cutting-edge elements like translucent movies and scrolling effects. You may also add your assets at any time.

  • Establish Your Design

It's time to plan out your Website layout after you have signed into your preferred platform. If you are starting from scratch, you should sketch out your website's design on paper before dragging and dropping elements. 

There is a significant collection of website templates available with Mtoag. Whether you want to build a blog, a personal website, or a commercial website, you can discover designs for all of these types of websites. Start by exploring the thousands of alternatives until you find a design you like. Then, you may personalize it by taking away, including, or modifying specifics like text, photos, and color.  

You may choose between multi-page and single-page templates from among these designs. You may select a multi-page site if your Website has a lot of material. However, if you have a limited number of stuff to present, you could choose a one-page website. This popular alternative is often used for landing pages, event websites, and others with brief material forms.

Pro Tip: The greatest way to hold your creative juices flowing for web design is to look for sources of inspiration. 

It is highly recommended to look at websites that handled it well as a starting point. Take a pen and paper and make notes on the ideas you find inspiration from as you browse some of the finest corporate website designs. Be sure to go through other social media platforms, such as Pinterest and Dribbble, which are brimming with sources for design inspiration. 

  • Domain Name Registrar

Your domain name is your internet address, to put it simply. Your visitors will see it in the address bar of their browsers just after the "www." Registering your domain name is crucial for internet success. Online users see websites with custom domains as more trustworthy and professional. 

When chosen wisely, a domain name may also help search engines (like Google and Bing) understand the topic of your website. It is crucial since it increases the number of visitors to your Website.

How do you choose a domain for your brand now? Keep it to make it memorable:

Short: The longer the name would be, the more likely visitors will misspell it.

Simple: Steer clear of symbols, punctuation, and numbers.

Professional:  Your domain name should include your name or your company's name to minimize misunderstanding.

Evocative: Include terms associated with your company in your domain name to hint at what you do.

Use this domain registration tool to see whether your desired domain name is available. Be sure to purchase your piece of virtual real estate if your best option is still available. Stay calm if it isn't. Play around with the word order or add "the" at the beginning to develop other versions of your first selection.

Using the appropriate domain extension is just as important as choosing a domain name. You may select from 45 top-level domain extensions, to .com and .net. Utilizing one appropriate for your industry and geographical area is an innovative practice.

  • Assemble Your Materials

It's time to get business and prepare the material that will be published on your Website now that you have laid the groundwork for your design. It covers your content, logo, movies, photos, and more.

As much as feasible, use your content to make sure you are providing original and branded content. Be careful to legally get your materials if you are not utilizing original work. Mtoag offers a broad range of media capabilities, including interactive files exclusive to Mtoag, a collection of over a million photographs from our partners at Unsplash, and vector graphics. There are several picture and stock photo repositories available as well.

Although having a lot of content on your Website is excellent, always prioritize quality above quantity. The superb strategy to grab people's attention in an age of shortening attention spans is to highlight just your finest content.

Last but not least, make sure all of your material is branded. Consider your website a virtual character; everything from the written text to the fonts and colors you choose should convey your personality or your company's identity.

Pro Tip: Are you new to marketing or think your brand language may be improved? This manual covers every aspect of developing a solid brand identity, from designing a logo to deciding your tone of voice.

  • Add Relevant Pages

Every company is different, just like every Website. However, there are certain standard portions that site visitors will anticipate seeing. Here are some essential pages to include in your multi-page website design:

Homepage: Your homepage is your only opportunity to create an excellent first impression. Aim for a site design that is tidy, structured, and appealing, as it will probably be the first thing visitors will see. It should clarify who you are and what you do while also acting as a jumping-off point for visitors to explore the rest of your Website.

Ensure it includes the essential details, like your company's name, logo, and a navigation menu encouraging visitors to look more. Once you have mastered these fundamentals, think about the backdrop, graphics, text, and calls-to-action you might include on your Website to engage visitors.

About Us Page: With an About Us page, you may explain your beliefs, procedures, and other details that help identify your brand. Use the first person ("I" or "We") to greet guests since it lends an air of friendliness and warmth. Additionally, remember to add a photo of you or a staff member since customers want to see the person behind the company. These 21 best About Us pages can give you ideas for constructing your own.

Contact Page: Visitors should have no trouble contacting you if they have questions. A contact page may help with that. Include your contact information, including phone number, postal address, company email, and social media profiles. Consider also including a live chat widget that enables users to contact you and get a prompt response or a contact form that allows users to send you an email from your Website.

The below Written Are Optional but Strongly Advised:

Your product or service page: Depending on your industry, this is where visitors can learn more about what you have to offer and, if they are sold, use their credit card to make a purchase.

Here are some crucial suggestions for creating a website with a product or service page in mind: Include top-notch product photographs, develop a clear and compelling product or service descriptions, and be open and honest about your terms (such as shipping, return, or cancellation policies).

Blog: A blog is an excellent method to showcase yourself as an authority in your field, build a devoted following, and increase traffic to your Website.

Don't worry if you weren't born to write; you have much more to say than you may realize. You may write about yourself or your customers (via success stories, case studies, and interviews) (events you attend, new employees, and more). However, the best blog post ideas will come from your area of expertise. Your readers will love learning the tricks, techniques, and hacks you employ to address the issues you run into and will undoubtedly value the added information.

Testimonials: Including a page with sincere testimonials on your Website is the best way to boost its effectiveness. According to studies, 77% of happy consumers will tell a friend about your product or service following a significant interaction. Utilize the power of word-of-mouth marketing and allow your delighted customers do the selling if the goal of your Website is to attract new consumers.  

Splash Page: A splash page welcomes visitors to your Website before they arrive at the homepage. It is a fantastic method to captivate visitors with eye-catching imagery, engaging writing, or advertising a limited-time deal or event.

FAQ Page: An FAQ page is specific to your Website that answers frequently asked questions in a concise, organized, and structured way for visitors. Offering automatic responses may save time and provide consumers with a beautiful experience.


Companies like Mtoag will enable users to build websites in 2022 that look fantastic and provide an outstanding user experience. However, starting easy is best if you are just getting started.  

Regarding design, the advice above will help you keep on course, but don't allow it to constrain you. The most crucial aspect of the outstanding invention is that it complements the organization employing it.

After launching your website, remember to periodically assess its effectiveness since it's the only way to stay current, even for the most seasoned designers.

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