Influencer Marketing Strategies for Mobile Apps: 10 Tips to Try Right Now

Mayanka Pant
May 17, 2024


With the growing dominance of social media, the emergence of influencer marketing as one of the effective mobile app marketing strategies isn’t surprising. Recognizing its potential, businesses are rapidly leaning toward this modern app marketing strategy to drive downloads and engagements. 

Whether a film celebrity, social media influencer, blogger, or vlogger, they all hold the potential to turn their followers into your loyal users through recommendations and brand promotions. You might have seen many celebrities promoting different mobile apps on social media and even their efforts worked for businesses. That’s the power of influencer marketing strategies- turning social media followers into paying customers. 

While influencer marketing isn’t the new term, but many businesses often overlook this strategy due to the lack of information about it. So, to help you out with it, we have created this comprehensive guide to understanding different influencer marketing strategies for mobile apps. By the end of this blog, you will be in a better place to decide whether you invest in influencer marketing or not. 

What Is Influencer Marketing?

Influencer marketing refers to collaborating with online celebrities, YouTubers, vloggers, and bloggers (often known as social media influencers) to spread awareness about your product. These influencers are people with a considerable online presence and huge social media following who use their influence to help you achieve your marketing goals. 

Whatever social media channel they choose, these influencers are categorized based on their user base, which ranges from micro-influencers to TV and film celebrities. The decision to choose the best influencer partner for your app promotion should be based on your campaign goals, the app’s target audience, and the influencer’s fan-following scale. 

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As said, anyone can be a social media influencer with a significant online presence that took years of hard work, expertise, and online persona. However, there’s a twist to the story; creating influencer marketing strategies for mobile apps isn’t just all about hiring influencers on the basis of their huge fan following but also considering their engagement statistics to determine the worth of your ad spend. 

6 Influencer Marketing Statistics That Will Stun You

  • 45% of the European adult generation are likely to buy fashion items if they’ve seen influencers wearing them. (Source: TheDrum)
  • A recent statistics study has revealed that 58% of app marketers use AI to find the right social media influencer for their campaign, while 18.6% use it to distribute relevant content. (Source: Statista)
  • 75% of people consider social media influencers' advice for online purchasing. (Source: LinkedIn)
  • 69% of internet users trust recommendations from their favorite influencers. (Source: Matter Communications)
  • Approximately 66% of businesses use TikTok for their influencer marketing, followed by Instagram with 47% and YouTube with 33%. (Source: InfluencerMarketingHub)
  • 60% of businesses are considering increasing their influencer marketing spending in 2024. According to recent data, businesses earn about $5.78 for each dollar spent on influencer marketing, with some even seeing it as $18. (Source: DigitalMarketingHub)


Key Considerations Before Creating Influencer Marketing Strategies for Mobile Apps

Before making any strategies, especially influencer marketing, you should answer three of the most crucial questions. Having a viable answer to these questions will lead you to better decision-making. So, let’s see what you should consider before creating influencer marketing strategies for mobile apps:


Who Is Your Ideal Audience?

The first step in your influencer marketing campaign is to pinpoint your ideal audience. This will guide you in selecting the most suitable influencers and social media platforms. 

For instance, if you're a B2B company, you might find LinkedIn thought leaders to be most effective. On the other hand, if you're promoting a mobile game aimed at a younger demographic, YouTube and Twitch influencers could be your best bet.

Which Is Your Targeted Region?

Deciding on the geographical areas you want to focus on is crucial as it influences the choice of influencers for your campaigns. Remember to conduct thorough market research for each target region. This will help you understand local preferences, competition, and language nuances, enabling you to tailor your influencer campaigns accordingly.

How to Find and Engage with Influencers?

To discover the perfect influencer for your brand, start by examining hashtags related to your app and searching for relevant blog posts. Setting up Google alerts for your brand-related keywords can also help you spot prominent experts who discuss topics closely tied to your app.

Consider using influencer marketing tools like Buzzsumo or specialized agencies like Find Your Influence to find influencers who align well with your campaigns and products.

Lastly, don't overlook micro-influencers, those with 1,000 to 100,000 followers. They may charge less, but their followers are often more engaged and invested in their niche. In fact, the engagement rate of micro-influencers can be up to 60% higher than that of macro-influencers.


10 Must-Follow Influencer Marketing Strategies for Mobile Apps

If you’re interested in Influencer marketing, here are some of the best strategies you should follow to promote your mobile apps.

1. Identify Your Target Audience

It can be challenging to determine the target audience for your mobile app as we often believe that more is better. However, if you’re about to invest in a mobile app development that monitors cryptocurrencies, it wouldn't make sense to promote it to someone unfamiliar with Bitcoin, would it?

To identify your target audience, consider the following questions:

  • What is the purpose of my app? 
  • If I were to recommend my app to a relative or friend, who would it be? My grandmother or my 22-year-old friend?
  • What are the interests, personality traits, values, or lifestyles of my target audience?
  • Where does my target audience reside? 
  • Do I intend to market my app in multiple languages?

Once you've identified your target audience, selecting an influencer becomes significantly easier. You can now see which influencers your target audience follows. 

MediaKix research indicates that 56% of women follow influencers in beauty, entertainment, celebrity, and fashion. In comparison, 54% of men who follow influencers on social media are more inclined towards gaming and tech influencers.

Although paid, platforms like Heepsy and Influencity allow you to search by target audience and can help you maximize your data and find an influencer who fits your needs.

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2. Determine When to Partner with an Influencer

With your target audience in mind, you need to decide when to incorporate influencer marketing strategies into your campaign. 

There are three potential stages for launching your influencer campaign:

  • Pre-launch promotion
  • App launch
  • Post-launch promotions

A pre-launch promotion involves an influencer working to secure pre-registrations for an app before its launch and generating excitement around the game.

The app launch phase involves the influencer introducing the app to their audience. In this phase, if it's a mobile game, a creator could post a complete ‘How to Play’ video on YouTube. 

Post-launch promotions can be used to introduce new game features, updates, game modes, and more. During this phase, influencers create sponsored content for the app.

3. Plan Out a Realistic Budget

Of course, not even a single influencer will collaborate with you for free. In fact, it is their primary source of income, so why would anybody work for free? Before investing in influencer marketing, it is crucial to set a realistic budget. However, this depends on the type of influencer you’re willing to collaborate with. 

Before you approach an influencer, consider the number of followers they have and how well they link to your business niche. Just imagine - Pewdiepie, one of the successful YouTubers with a net worth of around $60 million, wouldn’t accept $100. Therefore, it is better to check the earnings of influencers before collaborating with them. 

4. Decide on an Influencer Type

As said earlier, Influencers are categorized according to their unique audience size and cost. Some command a vast following, while others cater to a smaller, more niche audience. The cost of partnering with them can range from a hefty sum to a more budget-friendly option. 


You decide which influencer to collaborate with for your campaign. Influencers are generally classified based on their follower count.

Mega Influencers

These are influencers with a following exceeding 1 million. They are often celebrities and are part of the mega influencer category. If you're targeting these high-profile influencers, be prepared to allocate a significant portion of your marketing budget.

 However, remember that as follower count increases, engagement rates often decrease. Hence, collaborating with celebrities may not always yield the anticipated results.

Macro Influencers

Macro influencers have follower counts ranging from 500k to 1 million. They offer extensive reach, and while their services are less expensive than those of super influencers, they still come with a considerable price tag.

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Mid-Tier Influencers

They have a follower base of 50k to 500k. They may not be celebrities, but they are recognized and respected within their specific niche. Their posts are often more authentic, and they tend to have better engagement rates than super or large-scale influencers.


Micro-influencers may seem insignificant compared to the previous categories. However, they offer high engagement and affordability, making them an excellent choice for brands seeking effective results.

Nano Influencers

Lastly, micro-influencers have between 1k and 10k followers, the smallest follower count among all influencer types. Similar to micro-influencers, they offer good engagement rates. Plus, nano-influencers are highly affordable and can accommodate any marketing budget.

5. Do Thorough Research on Mobile App Influencers

As now you have understood the different types of influencers, its time to research the best-suited partner for your mobile app marketing efforts. If you're hesitant to invest in platforms like Scrunch or BuzzStream, there are alternative methods to discover your ideal influencers.

One approach is to explore influencers using hashtags on social media platforms such as Instagram, Twitter, TikTok, or LinkedIn. Typically, this method is effective when you input the name of the application you're interested in and append terms like ad, ambassador, or partner.

 For instance, to find influencers for the Bumble app, you could search for #bumblead, #bumbleambassador, or simply #bumble. Another strategy is to look up leading influencers on Google. You might be astonished to find that numerous influencers are willing to promote any product or service you provide, given that they are paid adequately.

Nonetheless, to maximize your reach, it's advisable to focus on influencers who operate within your specific niche persistently. This ensures your message resonates with the most relevant audience.

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6. Choose the Right Influencer Platform

Selecting the appropriate influencer platform is vital for maximizing your reach. If you're collaborating with a macro or mega-influencer, it's likely they have a substantial following across various platforms. However, most influencers excel on a specific platform.

For instance, asking a well-known YouTuber to promote your app on Twitter wouldn't be wise. They might have a significant following there, but their expertise lies in enhancing your campaign on their primary platform.

Your target audience also plays a significant role in this decision. For example, suppose your target audience is adult males. In that case, Twitter influencers might be a good choice, considering 68.5% of global Twitter users are male, and one in every five adults in the U.S. uses Twitter, as per Omnicore Agency. MediaKix research suggests that 70% of women prefer Instagram to follow influencers.

7. Monitor Influencer Engagement Rates

This step is quite simple - keep an eye on your influencer's engagement rates. Websites like inBeat and Phlanx are excellent resources for Instagram influencers as they offer an engagement rate calculator. 

You can also do this manually. When looking at influencers' Twitter, Instagram, TikTok, Pinterest, or Facebook profiles, compare the number of likes and comments they receive to their follower count.

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8. Clearly Communicate Your Goals

For a successful mobile app influencer marketing campaign, it's essential that the influencer understands the exact message you want to deliver. A casual conversation with the influencer should suffice. Share with them the purpose of your app or game, the reason behind its creation, and your passion for it. 

Also, make sure to specify your target audience so the influencer can tailor their message accordingly. If you've chosen your influencer wisely, they'll know exactly what to do.

9. Find Out What’s Trending

To attract a new audience, it's essential to understand their preferences and stay current with the latest trends. Here are some key strategies:

  • Collaborative Creation: This is a trend in which a brand and an influencer collaborate to create something unique. This collaborative approach benefits the brand, the influencer, and their followers. A recent statistics study has revealed that 58% of app marketers use AI to collaborate with the right social media influencer for their campaign, while 18.6% use it to distribute relevant content.


  • Sustained Partnerships: Working with an influencer shouldn't be a one-off event. Consistent collaboration builds trust in your app among the influencer's followers.
  • Short Video Advertising: Platforms like TikTok, Reels, and Shorts have revolutionized advertising with their short video format. Keeping an eye on viral content on these platforms is crucial.
  • Continuous Presence: This strategy involves maintaining a constant presence on social media through influencers who are popular with your target audience. The goal is to appear in your audience's feed exactly when they need you.
  • Multi-Platform Campaigns: Most people today are active on more than one social media platform. Influencers who have a presence on multiple platforms and cross-promote content can enhance your app's visibility.

10. Authenticity is Key

Lastly, it's vital to maintain authenticity. Choosing an influencer for your mobile app campaign is one of the most genuine ways to advertise. When providing campaign guidelines, ensure they don't sound mechanical to the influencer's followers. Remember, if you've chosen the right influencer, the majority of their followers will be real people, not bots. Keep this in mind when crafting your pitch.

5 Common Pitfalls to Avoid When Developing an Influencer Marketing Strategy


While creating influencer marketing strategies for mobile apps seems the most viable way to promote your app, the challenges lie in implementing them. Here are some of the most common challenges to avoid when developing a working Influencer marketing strategy: 

Beware of Influencers with Fake Followers

Regrettably, in today's world, numbers hold such significance that many individuals inflate their follower count to make a quick buck. Therefore, when evaluating an influencer, ensure they have a high engagement rate, their comments section isn't filled with generic bot responses, and they have a genuine following. If you're uncertain, consider using services like or the premium service Social Audit Pro.

Choosing an Inappropriate Influencer

Despite meticulous research, you may end up selecting an unsuitable influencer, leading to a feeling of wasted investment. A micro-influencer could be highly effective in promoting your app, while a macro-influencer might not yield the desired results. 

You might also choose an influencer who is passionate about your niche and eager to promote your app. To prevent this, maintain open communication with your chosen influencer and request a sample post to visualize your promotion.

Influencers Not Disclosing Sponsored Posts

While it's tempting to maximize the marketing potential of influencers, steer clear of those who fail to disclose sponsored posts. Recent studies reveal that over three-quarters of Instagram influencer promotions conceal mandatory hashtags (#ad, #affiliate, #partnership, #sponsored) beyond the main caption. 

Undisclosed sponsored posts may appear more authentic initially, but many users will notice. Moreover, as per FTC's Influencer Guide, most social media platform's terms and conditions deem it illegal not to disclose sponsored content.

Sending the Same Pitch to All Influencers

When pitching to influencers, the temptation to create a single compelling pitch and distribute it to all might be high. However, this approach may not resonate with everyone. 

Therefore, tailor your pitch to each influencer type. For instance, create distinct pitches for gaming influencers, lifestyle influencers, and so on.

Micro-Managing an Influencer

No one appreciates being micromanaged. While it's acceptable to guide influencers, allow them to present your campaign in their unique style. This approach ensures your app is promoted in the most authentic manner possible.


So, now it's time to conclude this blog! Hope you find this guide to understanding influencer marketing for mobile apps helpful. We tried our best to acknowledge you with the powerful impact of Influencer marketing on your app marketing campaigns. Overall, it is the only marketing strategy that’s more focused on authenticity than purposes. 

Remember, the goal of influencer marketing is all about promoting your app using social media's potential. However, you should look at your budget before investing in it. You should invest more than you can’t afford, and it's not always the case that you only need to collaborate with top-tier influencers. Even a mobile app marketing agency like Mtoag Technologies can help you get steller download numbers and engagement rates. 


What Is The Best Strategy For Influencer Marketing?

The best strategy is to identify influencers who align with your brand's values and audience. Collaborate with them to create authentic content that resonates with their followers, ensuring mutual benefit.

Which Tactic Or Strategy Is Best For Marketing A Mobile App?

Utilize app store optimization (ASO) for visibility, run targeted ads, and leverage social media platforms. Encourage user reviews and ratings for credibility.

What Is The Most Effective Platform For Influencer Marketing?

Instagram is often considered the most effective due to its visual nature and high engagement rates. However, the best platform depends on your target audience.

Which Tool Is Commonly Used For Influencer Marketing?

Tools like BuzzSumo and Klear are commonly used for influencer identification and analytics. They help track engagement and measure campaign effectiveness.

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