Mobile Apps for your Political Campaign

Yogesh Pant
Mar 03, 2023

In this digital world digital world of ours mobile apps are definitely ruling and will be the future of every industry – from hospitality, retail, grocery, healthcare, travel, hospitality, smart homes, automobiles sectors –mobile apps have set their digital footprint everywhere.

Mobile app technology has brought a sea change in the political sector as well. Political parties have switched to mobile apps for running their campaigns and communicating with their voter base. Today’s voters are an informed lot who like to be updated about their political leaders during election time. It is but natural that they would choose to get a mobile app to stay connected with their political candidate and get regularly notified about news and events relevant to their chosen candidate.

Mobile apps are advantageous to both politicians and their supporters. Political apps development is a convenient means for political parties to send messages and interacting with their supporters.

What benefit can be derived through these political mobile apps?

Sharing Candidate Profile

Increase your reach to current supporters as well as other citizens by sharing details of your personal background, political biography, ideas and future programs to turn around potential voters to support you. Sharing hot and burning topics of budget, fiscal deficit, taxation benefits, job opportunities, housing, electricity, railways, roads, educating the girl child, reservations, women, senior citizens, GST, crime, amongst others.


Any political campaign can be only successful if it gets the monetary support of its supporters. The app helps the public to make instant contributions to the political party for meeting with the campaign expenses during election time. We are leading & demanding app Development Company who offers iphone apps development.

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Social Media Integration

Enjoy complete social media integration built-in features via the mobile app to promote your political campaign journey amongst your incumbent supporters and fresh voter turnouts through popular social media platforms like Twitter, Facebook, Pinterest, YouTube channel, LinkedIn, Instagram, Google+ and others. Encourage your voters to Like, Comment, Share your social media posts for reaching your message far and wide. If you want Android App Development services then contact us.

Gather Volunteer Registrations

Harness the power of connecting with volunteers through your mobile app - the more number of volunteers that better your chances of spreading your political agenda to your constituents and ensuring success for your political campaign. Allowing them to register through the mobile app will make it easier for them to campaign for you. Every political party requires volunteers who can devote their time for helping your team grow your campaign in your constituency.

Multi-fold User Engagement

People have become more mobile app savvy as compared to surfing mobile websites. This is a big change enthused by mobile apps in this digital era. People like to interact and remain connected with their electoral candidate. But with newer apps flooding the market it is natural that one may forget about the political mobile app.

To avert such an eventuality, Push Notifications are an effective source to keep the citizen connected with the app. Sending regular notifications/announcements about events to be held near voter location can help in an appreciable voter turnout at the event. You can even send intimation to your voter base to glean through the newest content added to the app. appley for job.

Such interactions can help in multi-fold user engagement with the app. Another well regarded option is the Chat feature that lends a voice to your current supporters and encourages potential voters to take their stand towards issues of importance. Mtoag is an iPad app development company in India. Our professional iOS (iPad) App developers are expert in developing apps for iOS 9 and other versions. Hire iPad / iOS App developer. It helps to breach the gap and bring your voters right next to you.

Highlight Resolutions to Recent/Burning Issues

It is a common scene that every political constituency has some alarming issues that are of express concern to the constituents dwelling there. Through the mobile app you can get the voter base to convey their problems and burning issues with you. You can also share the resolutions that you would make and the efforts that you have put in for voicing the people’s concern to the party in power and bringing some relief to the people whose vote count you are relying upon to win the elections.

Read more: Top Mobile App Design & Development Trends In 2019

Choosing Mobile App Development Company

If you have decided to venture into the political arena through the mobile app, it is best to know some important features while selecting a web & mobile app development company for the mobile app development.

  • Time is always a matter of concern and the development of the app from conceptualization to delivery should take place within days, rather than months.
  • Ease of use and responsive app design
  • Real time updates and Integrated Security
  • Pocket friendly and affordable cost of development

T his being the mobile age and naturally the new age voters are all possessing mobiles and internet savvy. The time is right to harness the vote bank of nearly 15 million first time voters this year through the political mobile app. Though it is a known fact that which side will win in the elections is highly unpredictable, but still using the mobile app technology is the innovative way to woo your voters and make your political campaign a sure shot success.

Mtoag Technologies can help you to realize your political ambition and buildup the campaign momentum through the political mobile app. Our customized political mobile app not only provides you with a secure environment but also comes with a suite of easy to use features that helps to keep your political campaign to touch base with your present & potential voters and allows them to remain dynamically involved with the day to day progress of your election campaign.

If you are excited about using this initiative to your advantage, drop us an email or contact sales on +91-9829072835 number for getting a prompt response.

Read more: Why Your Business Needs Its Own Mobile App ?

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