What are Small Language Models (SLMs)? And How Are They Different from LLMs?

Raju Ram Khakhal
Aug 14, 2024


With the emergence of the digital age, many breakthrough technologies have entered the game, especially the one that has long been the talk of the town. Yes, you heard it right, it's Artificial Intelligence (AI). That said, the importance of NLP (Natural Language Processing) models, such as GPT-3, GPT-4, and Gemini, cannot be overstated. But have you ever wondered what’s the science behind them? What’s powering them? It’s none other than Large Language Models (LLMs). Today, everyone is talking about LLMs and how they are redefining the future of generative AI. But do you know there’s one more breakthrough technology that is starting to get attention? It's Small Language Models (SLMs). So, what are they, how do they work, and how are they different from LLMs? Let’s find out!

In the past couple of years, we have seen several advancements in the field of NLP, particularly from models like GPT, Gemini, BERT, XLNet, and Turing-NLG. These LLM models have gained worldwide recognition due to their ability to translate and summarize texts. They are great because they process human-like language. But there’s a downside to these large models: they need excessive computer storage and power, which can be expensive as well as hard to manage. They aren’t suitable for businesses with a lack of technical resources. 

The emergence of Small Language Models, or SLMs, has proven to be a promising solution to the challenges posed by LLMs. These smaller models, while being more manageable and less resource-intensive, have demonstrated comparable efficiency and power to their larger counterparts. Curious about how these models work and what makes them equally powerful as LLMs? Here’s a detailed guide to understanding Small Language Models (SLMs) and their potential in shaping the future of NLP technology. 

Key Takeaways

While there aren't definitive statistics on the overall market size or deployment of SLMs, there's definitely evidence of their growing presence. Here are some key points to consider:

  • The market size of the Small language model was valued at $5180 in 2022 and is expected to reach $17,189 by 2029, growing at a CAGR of 17.8%. 
  • Studies show that SLMs can perform well on tasks like question answering or sentiment analysis with as few as 1-10 million parameters. This is significantly less than the billions of parameters that Large Language Models (LLMs) require.
  • SLMs excel in real-time apps due to lower latency. They can make predictions and respond much quicker, making them ideal for chatbots or voice assistants.
  • The reduced computational requirements of SLM translate to lower costs for training and deployment. This makes them accessible to a wider range of businesses and developers.
  • SLMs offer a unique advantage in that they can be tailored to specific domains or tasks. This level of customization not only improves accuracy but also reduces errors, giving businesses and developers a greater sense of control and confidence in their NLP tasks compared to broadly trained LLMs.


What are Small Language Models (SLMs)?

Small Language Models (SLMs) are advanced AI systems created to process and generate human-like language. Their expertise in generating human-like text comes from training in diverse text sources, such as literature, online articles, and various websites. This extensive training equips SLMs with an understanding of language rules and the subtleties of communication.

The core strength of SLMs lies in their ability to parse complex statements, understand the context, and deliver responses that are coherent and conversational. They achieve this by understanding the essence of language during their training phase, where they are exposed to a wealth of linguistic information. This process instills in them a comprehensive knowledge of language structure, meaning, and the cultural layers that influence communication.

As a result, SLMs can engage in conversations that feel natural and intuitive, handling the complexities of human language with ease and precision. 

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How Do Small Language Models (SLMs) Work?

Small Language Models (SLMs) are designed with a focus on balance and efficiency, using a fewer number of parameters—often just tens to hundreds of millions. The goal is to maintain a high level of understanding and language generation while optimizing for speed and specific tasks.

The key technologies powering SLMs include model compression, knowledge distillation, and transfer learning. These methods help condense the expansive knowledge of larger models into a more concentrated and specialized set of skills. 

One of the standout features of SLMs is their operational efficiency. Their leaner structure demands less computational power, which makes them ideal for use in settings with limited processing resources or where budget constraints limit cloud computing usage. This efficiency is especially beneficial for applications that require quick, real-time responses.

Additionally, SLMs offer agility in development, allowing for quick updates and adaptations to meet new data patterns or business needs. This flexibility is supported by the models' simplicity, which aids in understanding how they make decisions and simplifies troubleshooting. Altogether, SLMs represent a smart choice for those seeking powerful AI capabilities without the heavy resource investment of larger models.

Advantages of Small Language Models (SLMs)


The benefits of Small Language Models (SLMs) are countless when it comes to limited technical resources. But that’s not the only reason behind SLM’s growing adoption and popularity; there are many other benefits, including: 

Better Precision and Efficiency

Small Language Models (SLMs) are designed to serve specific, often niche, functions within businesses. This targeted approach allows them to deliver results with precision and efficiency that Large Language Models (LLMs) may not achieve as easily. 

For instance, an SLM tailored for legal apps—can sift through intricate legal jargon and principles more adeptly than a standard LLM, offering sharper and more applicable insights for legal experts.

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SLMs stand out for their cost-effectiveness. Their modest size means they consume less in terms of computational resources and expenses. This makes them a practical option for small to medium-sized businesses or particular sectors within larger corporations. 

Remarkably, despite their economical nature, SLMs can perform on par with, or even better than, larger models when it comes to tasks they're specialized in.


A key benefit of SLMs is the enhanced security and privacy they offer. Their compact size and manageability mean they can be implemented in local servers or private clouds, significantly reducing the chances of data leaks and ensuring that sensitive data stays within the company's purview. This feature is especially appealing to sectors like finance and healthcare, where confidentiality is paramount.


Adaptability and Lower Latency

Small Language Models (SLMs) are highly adaptable and quick to respond, making them ideal for applications that require immediate feedback. Their compact structure leads to faster processing times, which is essential for functions such as instant messaging bots and on-the-spot data interpretation. 

This quick turnaround is a significant advantage in customer-facing roles where delays can impact user satisfaction. Moreover, the flexibility of SLMs means they can be updated rapidly to incorporate new data or changes, ensuring they remain effective and up-to-date in a fast-paced digital environment.

Limitations of Small Language Models

SLMs may seem to understand and accurately respond to prompts, but it's crucial to remember that they are merely AI tools. They may encounter a range of issues, including:

Limited Generalization

Small Language Models (SLMs) offers tailored expertise, yet this specialization can be a double-edged sword. While they shine in their designated roles, venturing beyond their trained scope can be challenging due to a narrower knowledge spectrum compared to Large Language Models (LLMs). This could necessitate the use of multiple SLMs to fully address an organization's diverse needs, potentially leading to a more complex AI system.


Technical Challenges

The field of Language Models is dynamic, with continuous advancements and new techniques surfacing frequently. Keeping pace with these changes to maintain state-of-the-art models can be daunting. 

Tailoring SLMs to meet unique business needs often requires a deep understanding of data science and machine learning—expertise that may not be readily available to all organizations. This rapid evolution, while promising, poses its own set of technical hurdles.

Evaluation Difficulties

The surge in interest in Small Language Models (SLMs) has led to a saturated market brimming with options. Each model boasts its own strengths, making it challenging for businesses to decide which is the best fit for their specific use case. 

The task of evaluating and comparing these models is not straightforward—performance indicators often don't tell the full story. Without a deep dive into the technology behind each model and an understanding of the implications of their size, companies might find it tricky to pinpoint the SLM that aligns with their objectives.

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Applications of Small Language Models (SLMs)

SLMs can easily be integrated into different programs and devices, including. 

  • Edge Devices: Small Language Models (SLMs) are versatile tools that seamlessly integrate with everyday technology, including mobile phones, wearable tech, and IoT devices by bringing AI functionalities such as predictive texting, voice recognition, and basic Q&A capabilities, all without the need for cloud computing.
  • Real-time Applications: SLMs excel by swiftly processing and creating text, making them perfect for instant chatbots, digital assistants, and live translation services. This speed enhances the interactive experience, providing immediate responses to users.
  • Privacy-sensitive Domains: For privacy-sensitive sectors such as healthcare and finance, SLMs offer a secure alternative by processing data locally on a user's device, thereby safeguarding sensitive information from external threats.
  • Embedded Systems: Embedded systems benefit from SLMs as well; they can be integrated into vehicles for interactive language commands, smart appliances for voice controls, and industrial machinery for text command processing and report generation.
  • Low Latency Environments: In low-latency scenarios like gaming, SLMs can create real-time dialogues for characters, and in augmented reality, they process voice commands or create text displays instantly.
  • Resource-constrained Environments: In regions with limited internet access or computing power, these models enable AI-driven educational resources and local language processing.
  • Personalization: Lastly, SLMs can be personalized to adapt to an individual's writing style or specialized professional jargon, enhancing text predictions and domain-specific communication. These models are not just about technology; they're about tailoring experiences to individual needs and contexts.

Real-world Use Cases of SLMs

Small language models (SLMs) have a wide range of industrial applications across numerous fields and sectors. Here are some of the most prevalent uses:

Customer Service Automation

Small Language Models (SLMs) are transforming business-customer relations. They equip AI chatbots with the ability to engage in natural conversations, manage everyday queries, and offer comprehensive support. This automation elevates the customer service experience and enhances operational productivity.

Real-Time Translation

SLMs are also breaking down language barriers by providing instant translation services. This is invaluable for global communication, allowing seamless conversations across different languages.


Sentiments Analysis

Moreover, SLMs adeptly conduct sentiment analysis, which is essential for companies to understand public perception and customer feedback. This insight is vital for refining marketing approaches and enhancing product lines.

Market Trend Analysis

SLMs analyze prevailing trends, aiding businesses in sharpening their sales and marketing tactics. This results in more focused and impactful promotional efforts.

Innovative Product Development

Finally, SLMs contribute to the innovation process by utilizing their data analysis prowess. Companies can harness this capability to create products that align more closely with consumer desires and market demands.

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Examples of Small Language Models (SLMs)

Small language models (SLMs) have emerged as a phenomenal force, finding applications in various sectors. One such well-known generative AI chatbot is GPT-2 Small. Apart from this, there are many more examples, including -

  • GPT-2 Small: OpenAI's GPT-2 Small is a more compact version of the GPT-2 series, with 117 million parameters, making it a lighter alternative to the GPT-2 Medium and Large models. 
  • DistilBERT: It is a streamlined version of BERT, maintaining most of its original performance while being 40% smaller and 60% faster, with about 66 million parameters. 
  • TinyBERT: TinyBERT goes even further in the downsizing trend, boasting a mere 15 million parameters.

While the typical range for SLMs is in the hundreds of millions of parameters, there are exceptions. Some models, like Phi-3-mini, pack 3.8 billion parameters and still run efficiently on standard GPUs. This model, despite its relatively small size, holds its own against larger models, scoring impressively on various benchmarks.

  • Google Gemma 2B: Google's Gemma 2B is another notable mention, part of a suite designed for text generation tasks that can operate smoothly on less powerful machines. 
  • Databricks Dolly 3B: Databricks' Dolly 3B, a variant of the pythia-2.8b model, is tailored for following instructions across different domains, showcasing a high-quality performance despite not being at the cutting edge of the field. 

How are SLMs Different from LLMs?

The key differences between SLMs and LLMs aren’t all about the model size but efficiency and the computational power they require to operate. Here, we have differentiated LLMs vs SLMs based on three main parameters: 

Computational Power

Small Language Models (SLMs) are the powerhouses behind many modern AI applications, requiring far less computational power than LLMs. They can be perfectly integrated in edge devices like smartphones and IoT gadgets or even on everyday consumer hardware. This makes them a go-to choice for on-site processing or in settings where resources are tight.


Model Size

When it comes to model size, SLMs are the more compact option, typically with fewer than a billion parameters. This is a stark contrast to the behemoths that are Large Language Models (LLMs), which can have parameter counts soaring into the hundreds of billions. 

SLMs' smaller size means they're easier to store and deploy on local devices, which is ideal for edge computing and apps on the go. On the other hand, LLMs use their vast parameter pools to grasp more intricate data patterns, offering deeper language insights and generation.

Inference Speed

Inference speed is another area where SLMs shine. They're built for speed, enabling them to offer quick responses that are essential for real-time applications like chatbots, digital assistants, or interactive mobile apps. 

LLMs, while potentially more nuanced in their language abilities, can be slower to respond, which is an important factor to consider when speed is of the essence. The choice between SLMs and LLMs often comes down to a balance between quickness and depth of capability.

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The Future of Small Language Models (SLMs)

The future of Small Language Models (SLMs) seems promising for businesses with limited technical efficiency and resources. As we advance, SLMs are expected to become more sophisticated, with the ability to handle complex tasks efficiently without a significant increase in size. The development of compact architectures and improved training methods will enhance their effectiveness and reliability.

Upcoming projects in SLMs are anticipated to focus on creating models that are not only powerful but also versatile and cost-effective. For instance, Microsoft's Phi-3 family of open models is a notable development, offering many capabilities found in Large Language Models (LLMs) but with a smaller footprint and trained on less data. These models, such as Phi-3-mini with 3.8 billion parameters, outperform models twice their size and will be available on various platforms, including the Azure AI Model Catalog and Hugging Face.

New developments in SLMs also include advancements in fine-tuning strategies, such as adapter layers and prefix fine-tuning, which allow for customization to specific tasks and domains without extensive retraining. Moreover, models like DeepMind's Chinchilla and Meta's LLaMa have shown that despite their smaller size, they can rival or even surpass the performance of larger models like GPT-3.5 in certain tasks.

With their potential for sustainability, efficiency, and customization, SLMs are gearing up to be the next big thing in AI, providing big solutions in small packages. The continuous research and strategic focus on SLMs will likely lead to more sustainable, efficient, and customizable AI solutions, shaping the future of technology.


Small Language Models (SLMs) are gaining traction as a practical choice over their larger counterparts. Their efficiency, cost-effectiveness, and ease of use make them a smart option for a variety of language tasks. As the field of artificial intelligence and machine learning evolves, SLMs are stepping into the spotlight.

When planning your next AI project, it might be worth considering an SLM. They often provide the necessary functionality without the complexity or expense of setting up a Large Language Model (LLM). Hope this write-up has helped you understand the capabilities of Small Language Models (SLMs). 


What is the Trend in Small Language Models?

The trend in SLMs is towards creating models that are efficient, adaptable, and capable of running on limited resources. They're becoming popular for their ability to provide specialized, domain-specific performance while being cost-effective and secure.

What is SLM in AI?

In AI, an SLM refers to a compact, generative model designed for natural language processing. It's defined by its smaller neural network size, fewer parameters, and the reduced volume of training data, making it suitable for on-device deployments.

What is the Difference between SLM and LLM?

SLMs are smaller, require less computational power, and are trained on more specific datasets, leading to faster and more efficient performance in targeted tasks. With their vast parameter counts, LLMs are trained on extensive datasets, capturing complex patterns for a broad range of tasks.

What are the Benefits of the Small Language Model?

SLMs offer tailored efficiency for specific tasks, cost savings on computational resources, enhanced security for sensitive data, and adaptability for real-time applications. They're ideal for use in privacy-sensitive domains and resource-limited settings.

Is BERT a Small Language Model?

No, BERT is not considered a small language model. It's a large language model (LLM) with many parameters designed to understand and generate human language by training on extensive text data.

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