Why Should IT Businesses Choose Agile Software Development?

Mayanka Pant
Jul 01, 2019

Agile methodology, a strategy that has gained significant traction in software development companies, has proven to be a game-changer. Its success rate in aiding businesses to produce successful products is remarkable. The key to this success lies in Agile's strong emphasis on cooperation and customer satisfaction. Agile projects are not only practical but also adaptable, creating project roadmaps that evolve with the customer's changing demands.  

Businesses may leverage the frameworks provided by agile approaches to finish their projects efficiently. Every project moves forward smoothly since the conventional waterfall technique outlines all demands and requirements. Along with shifting customer needs, the waterfall strategy must account for rivals and market changes. This put developers at a significant disadvantage and often resulted in the project failing.

Statistics on Agile Adoption

  • Agile is used by 94% of enterprises.
  • 3 out of 4 initiatives at 52% of organizations adopt agile methodology.
  • Agile has not only increased software delivery for 64% of enterprises, but it has also led to remarkable success stories. These stories of Agile adoption can inspire confidence in your IT business, showing you the potential benefits of this methodology.
  • 34% of companies encounter opposition while implementing agile.
  • Agile, with its unique approach, has been proven to boost sales growth by 60% compared to conventional approaches. This statistic alone speaks volumes about the benefits of Agile methodology.

What Is Agile?

Agile is a set of guidelines that stress the crucial importance of adapting to change and fostering tight collaboration among all parties involved, including clients. This collaborative nature of Agile can foster a sense of teamwork and unity in your IT business, leading to more successful projects.  

Agile is the way of thinking that may be used in project management, product development, and even personal growth. It is often used with Scrum, a project management methodology for software development. Scrum is based on fundamental principles, including on-demand planning, pair programming, and self-organization. It also depends on a number of ideas and methods, including sprints, backlogs, and daily stand-ups. 

How is Agile Implemented?

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Agile is a very popular method of software development. It is a collection of incremental and iterative development techniques that aid in more flexible and long-term software development for enterprises. However, how is this methodology different from conventional software development? 

Let’s investigate. The agile technique was first used in 2001 for software development. Agile is mostly about speed and adaptability. In the old days of software development, programmers would start a big project and work on it for many months or even years. This implied that the creators would need to anticipate all potential future events. 

There is always a risk that a software project will go awry or that the developers will need to make changes. However, with Agile development, this risk is mitigated. The adaptability of Agile can invoke a sense of security in your IT business, knowing that you can respond effectively to any changes or challenges that may arise. 

Agile is a software development process that seeks to improve a team’s adaptability and agility to change while providing clients with early and ongoing value. Iterative development, test-driven development, brief development cycles, and other techniques are examples of agile approaches. Scrum and other agile approaches emphasize software delivery in brief, time-boxed iterations to quickly produce a high-quality product. 

Used Agile Development Approaches for Creating Software

The intricate software development process combines the finest of business and IT. The software development process uses the following agile approaches.


The early 1990s saw the birth of the Scrum framework in response to the demand for improved software development process management. Ikujiro Nonaka and Hirotaka Takeuchi were its pioneers. The official states that its objective is to support individuals and groups in being as productive as they can. Scrum is a structure consisting of three pillars, three events, and four fundamental roles.


In the workplace, Kanban is a flexible, visible, and empirical approach to process management. When working on certain tasks, the Kanban technique is more adaptable and lightweight than Scrum. It is an excellent method for managing newly conceived or early-stage initiatives. 

You might specify a task or objective you must complete via the procedure. You will then make cards that correspond with this assignment. These cards will then be arranged in a column on a whiteboard. The quantity of work that has to be done is shown in this column. Subsequently, the cards are shifted from left to right according to their completion. A task advances to the right as you finish it. Moving the cards as swiftly to the right as you can is the aim of the Kanban. 


Scumbun is among the most widely used Agile methodologies and is quickly rising to the top. It is easy, adaptable, robust, and opportunity-rich. It is simple to comprehend, and there aren’t many intricate procedures that may not be very clear to others. Scumbun is a framework for managing and organizing almost any kind of project. 

Benefits of an Agile Approach


Feedback is an integral component of any Agile methodology. The input received from team members and consumers highly impacts the product, so it’s crucial to include every piece of input in the product’s development. The product owner is open to receiving input from any team member on the product. After discussing this input with the team, the product owner will choose whether or not it should be included in the product.

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Economy of Cost

There are many advantages of an Agile methodology, but they are especially evident when it comes to budgeting. An agile project doesn’t have a lot of upfront expenses. Although there may be an initial financial outlay, you will eventually be able to recoup that outlay. You will develop a product based on market demands rather than a predetermined strategy. It is determined that a new feature is needed, and after it is completed, you may create and deliver it. 

Success with your product will allow you to add ever-more features. You can sell it to someone who can utilize it even if it isn't a big hit.

Enhanced Visibility

Agile is a software development methodology that prioritizes the creation of functional software above thorough documentation and approaches to development that call for regular review and modification. Agile methods encourage a time-boxed iterative approach, evolutionary development and delivery, adaptive planning, and quick and adaptable change reactions. The driving philosophy is to deliver functional software frequently—every few weeks to months—while concentrating on creating the correct thing. 

Adaptability and Modification

Building a product that satisfies your consumers’ demands is the foundation of every business. It’s a terrific moment to be a company owner since more and more people are utilizing the internet each year. You must, however, stay current with the changes if you want to be relevant. An agile strategy may be helpful in this situation. Building software using the agile software development methodology is becoming increasingly common. 

Quicker Market Delivery

Agile is a software development technique that aims to enhance product delivery by offering the best possible solution to the customer. It is a very adaptable approach that works well in any company setting. Agile facilitates more effective operation by segmenting the development process into manageable parts, enabling the company to produce products at more manageable milestones. This implies that the company may provide frequent product updates to the customer and will allow them to modify the product in response to feedback. 

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Improved Quality of the Product

A product’s quality has the power to make or destroy a sale. A buyer is not going to purchase a subpar product in most cases. On the other hand, customers are more likely to remember a brand and buy more products from it if they acquire a product that meets their expectations. A business must first determine the kinds of products it is offering to produce high-quality goods. This is because various product kinds call for distinct manufacturing techniques. Finding a manufacturing technique that yields a high-quality product that satisfies the company’s criteria comes after the product has been selected for sale. 

Members of an Agile Team

An agile team is made up of individuals who can collaborate well and swiftly adapt to changing needs despite their varying backgrounds, abilities, and personalities. Examples of team members include programmers, testers, designers, product owners, architects, and so forth. 

The aim of the agile team is to create the greatest product possible for their clients. Agile teams collaborate closely and rely on one another to accomplish shared objectives. 

Your Agile team's individuals are just as crucial as the group as a whole.

Top 5 Reasons Why Organizations are Adopting Agile Methodologies

Businesses were able to keep up with evolving market trends and quickly adjust to them when they began to adopt an agile strategy. This aided them in producing goods that the market wanted. Because of this, the agile technique has become very well-liked in software development. 

When businesses began to adopt an agile strategy, they were able to keep up with evolving market trends and quickly adjust to them. This aided them in producing goods that the market really wanted. Because of this, the Agile technique has become very well-liked in the field of software development. The article outlines the top five reasons Agile is recommended for building projects and software. 

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  • Agile Facilitates the Fast Integration of Customer Feedback

The success of a product greatly depends on the input received from customers. However, this is something that is usually overlooked. According to a poll, a mere 1% of participants felt that their suggestions were taken into account and that the product entirely fulfilled their expectations. 

It is challenging for developers to incorporate user input using the waterfall software development technique. This results from their need for more resources and flexibility to implement the adjustments. While the Agile process is designed to accommodate any modifications that may occur, the conventional method limits developers’ ability to make changes quickly. Agile teams employ sprints or iterations, which make it simpler to develop features during downtime and get feedback from them. The goal of implementing this input into the product might be the focus of future versions. 

Agile methodologies emphasize the value of feedback. The group is aware that user input may be used to customize features to meet users' needs better. 

  • Agile Facilitates Project Organization Improvement

The success of every project depends critically on its proper planning. A study that was done found that around 35 percent of projects still need to be thoroughly planned when they first begin. Failure may come from this. This issue may be eliminated using Agile. 

The Agile methodology strongly emphasizes efficiency, starting with careful planning at the start of each iteration. This makes every sprint in the project more structured. Additionally, Agile teams employ other practices, including sprint planning, sprint meetings, sprint reviews, and sprint retrospectives, to assist them in remaining focused on their primary objective. 

Because the job scope and individual team members’ capabilities are thoroughly discussed and specified, these sessions help in the improvement of organizational processes by ensuring that no one is overworked and able to perform effectively. 

The Agile methodology gives the team a fantastic working strategy that produces an excellent final product. The organizational process for any project may be improved by Agile teams using the following practices:

  • Enumerating every feature of the project for every iteration
  • Managing tasks and time with the use of several management tools
  • Assigning each team member a priority
  • Distributing assignments to the right team members
  • Assessing every job once it is finished and every iteration after it has ended
  • Reorganizing functions and responsibilities after assessment in order to enhance the project process for the next iteration
  • Agile Techniques Promote Team Building

Collaboration is a critical component of the Agile methodology. Agile teams cooperating and working together is one of the main reasons why Agile projects have a greater success rate. The team members’ excellent communication makes this feasible. The daily stand-up meeting is one instance of this. 

The Agile team meets once a day for 10 to 15 minutes to discuss their progress at a designated time. This is referred to as a daily stand-up and is a component of the Agile methodology’s Scrum process. Team members may now share their work and plans for the day on this open platform. It also provides a forum for discussing any issues that any team member may be having. 

Working as an Agile team involves a lot of team building and collaboration, and software professionals have seen improvements in their projects as they began to collaborate and communicate. 

Agile teams go through several phases of team building and operation. These phases are intended to create teams that can concentrate on accomplishing the project’s objective and collaborate effectively. They are as follows:

  • Stage of formation
  • Stage of storming
  • Stage of normalization
  • On stage performance

Agile Methods Teach Teams How to Make the Most of Their Tools

The degree of efficiency that comes with using Agile technologies is another reason why so many firms like working with teams that follow the Agile approach. Agile technologies make it easier for teams to divide difficult jobs into smaller, more manageable ones.

Agile teams can access a wide range of tools and procedures that help them better understand their projects. This helps set priorities for the features that should be included in the final results, enhancing the project’s overall management. Agile teams also benefit from the simplicity of assigning work based on competence and the ease with which these activities can be tracked, facilitating finishing the job on schedule. 

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Agile Teams Assist in Increasing Team Productivity

Team members are kept motivated by using agile methodologies. The team members can see the final, viable product more rapidly because of the brief iterations that provide results. Because there is tangible evidence of their success, this aids individuals in adhering to the primary objective.

This drive significantly raises the team’s production level. In addition to the quantifiable progress, additional benefits of implementing Agile include improved work delegation, well-defined goals and objectives for the product, precise deadlines, and more, all of which contribute to team members' productivity. 


These days, one of the most common approaches to software development is agile. Among its numerous advantages are enhanced adaptability, flexibility, and communication. It's an excellent option for any company, especially those wanting to update their software.

The purpose of the Agile approach was to enable software development teams to respond more quickly to business requirements. Agile teams can adapt to change faster, which can save businesses money. Businesses won't have to spend money on features that may have become dated or superfluous.

Requirements creep, which occurs when a project's scope keeps growing and the deadline is extended, is also less common in agile teams. Agile teams also place more emphasis on creating functional software, which produces better products more quickly.

Frequently Asked Questions

  1. What is Agile?

Agile is different from traditional project management or product development approach. It is a value-based, iterative approach in which requirements and solutions evolve collaboratively through the efforts of self-organizing cross-functional teams.

  1. How does being Agile benefit organizations?

One advantage of agile is that it reduces production time to market by delivering product increments regularly. Customers and users are engaged throughout the delivery cycle to review the product increment and provide feedback regularly.

  1. Is Agile appropriate for all types of projects?

Certainly not. Plan-driven project management methodologies (such as the waterfall method) may provide a higher likelihood of project success depending on the nature of the project and the product in question.

  1. What are the common challenges to adopting Agile?

According to various data, the top most common challenges to a successful Agile implementation in organizations are mostly related to all or some of the following:

  • The company philosophy contradicts the core agile values.
  • Inadequate knowledge of agile methods
  • A lack of management backing
  • Transformation of the Development Culture
  • Inconsistency in practices

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