App Marketing and User Acquisition: How to Get Users for Your App?

Yogesh Pant
Apr 04, 2024

App Marketing and User Acquisition

If you’re done developing a mobile app for your business and think you have passed down the most significant task, you’re probably all wrong. The next few steps after the mobile app development and deployment are equally crucial, as you need to ensure that your app reaches your targeted audience. How can it be done then? Well, here comes the role of app marketing and user acquisition strategies. 

You will be surprised to know that Google’s Play Store and Apple’s App Store are flooded with millions of apps. To be precise, the Play Store has nearly 3.5 million apps, while the App Store features around 2 million apps, each of them vying for user’s attention. In such a situation, standing out in this tight competitive environment isn’t an easy feat. 

But if you have decided to do so, the foremost step is to understand the concept of app marketing and user acquisition thoroughly. To help you out, we have created this mobile app marketing and user acquisition guide featuring 10+ of the most successful strategies for attracting new users to your apps. So, let’s start this guide with the basics of app marketing and user acquisition. 

What Is App Marketing?

Mobile app marketing is a strategy that focuses on promoting a mobile app to a broad audience with the goal of boosting downloads. This strategy uses various platforms such as social media, online ads, app store optimization, influencer marketing, affiliate marketing and email marketing. The objective is to enhance the app's visibility, encouraging users to download and interact with the app.

This marketing approach is a vital part of mobile app development. It aims to expand the app's reach, stimulate user engagement and acquisition, and ultimately increase revenue.

As per Statista, mobile devices contributed approximately 6.67% of global website traffic in the last quarter of 2023. This high rate of mobile adoption is considered a key driver behind the growing demand for mobile app marketing.

What Is App User Acquisition?

User Acquisition, often abbreviated as UA, is a crucial aspect of app marketing that aims to attract new users to a website, service, platform, or app through marketing efforts. While other sectors might refer to this as customer acquisition, the app industry favors the term 'user,' acknowledging that not all app users will necessarily be paying customers.

Even if your app is available for free download (which is the norm nowadays), attracting users remains a vital component for growth. The more users download and engage with your app, the more chances you have to generate revenue through advertising or in-app transactions.

Attracting new users is solely based on strategies that ensure apps' visibility and discoverability, thereby increasing downloads.

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Key Insights and Stats on App Marketing and User Acquisition Market

  • 26% of consumers begin their research journey with brand-specific mobile applications (Source: Siteefy).
  • Mobile applications saw a significant revenue increase from $693 billion in 2021 to over $935 billion in 2023. (Source: Serpwatch)
  • Android applications have a higher conversion rate (22%) for interstitial ads compared to iOS applications (14.3%) (Source:
  • Instagram significantly increased its marketing budget to $390 million, more than twice its spending in 2019 (Source:
  • A survey by the Drum revealed that 27% of app marketers consider the adoption of AI solutions as their main goal for 2024, while 25% see it as their biggest challenge.
  • Mobile applications generated $167 billion in 2022, which was a 2% decrease compared to the previous year. (Source:
  • The mobile marketing industry was valued at $17.6 billion in 2022. It is projected to grow at a CAGR of 17.8%, reaching an impressive $91 billion by 2032. (Source: Persistence Market Research).

Why Are App Marketing and User Acquisition Strategies Important?

User acquisition (UA) is important for businesses as it provides insights into the effectiveness of their marketing strategies in driving app downloads. 

Here's why UA is significant for businesses:

  • Budget Management: Effective UA strategies can help manage expenditures by identifying areas where spending can be reduced or needs to be increased for maximum benefit.
  • Competitive Edge: Understanding UA can give businesses a competitive advantage. By adopting innovative strategies to draw new users, a company's offerings may become more appealing than those of its competitors.
  • Strategic Planning: Companies that understand their UA strategies can plan their marketing initiatives based on the data derived from their UA campaigns.
  • Profit Growth: Implementing UA strategies can drive traffic to a company's platforms, potentially leading to increased user interaction and, consequently, higher profits.
  • Demonstrating Engagement: The data from UA strategies can be used to illustrate the effectiveness of marketing efforts to stakeholders, investors, or senior managers. For instance, a UA strategy could result in a 25% boost in user engagement on the website. 

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How to Develop an Effective Mobile App Marketing Strategy?

Developing an effective mobile app marketing strategy involves several key steps, including 

  • Understand your Target Audience: Research their preferences, habits, and the type of apps they use. This will help you tailor your app and its marketing to their needs.
  • Optimize your App Store Listing: Use relevant keywords in your app's title and description to improve its visibility in App Store searches. Include screenshots and videos that showcase your app's features and benefits.
  • Leverage Social Media: Use the power of social networking to create buzz around your app. Share updates, teasers, and user testimonials on platforms where your target audience is active.
  • Engage Users with Push Notifications: These can be used to inform users about updates, offer personalized recommendations, or re-engage inactive users.
  • Measure your Results: Use analytics tools to track downloads, user engagement, and retention. This data will help you refine your strategy and make informed decisions.

10+ Tried-and-Tested App Marketing and User Acquisition Strategies

As now you have understood the concepts of app marketing and user acquisition, it is time to talk about the strategies that make them effective. So, here’s a list of some effective app marketing and user acquisition strategies: 

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#1. App Store Optimization (ASO) Tactics for Increased Visibility  

App stores remain the top source for app discovery. According to Statista, around 561 million apps are downloaded daily from app stores. App store optimization, or ASO, is a method to draw users to download an app. This is based on the app's title, keywords, ratings, and other factors that affect its ranking. If done correctly, ASO can lead to a significant increase in high-quality traffic to your app.

  • Pay attention to critical elements on your page: Incorporating top keywords in the title tag, showcasing a variety of appealing screenshots, designing a distinctive app icon, and crafting an engaging app description can greatly enhance your app's visibility in App Store rankings.
  • Customize your app store pages for each target market: North American consumers generate only 31% of app revenue, and localized search keywords and welcome pages can lead to a surge in downloads, up to 767% more.
  • Strive for optimization that enhances both search discoverability and conversions: By conducting A/B tests on-page elements, you can identify what effectively encourages visitors to download and use your app.

#2. Leveraging Social Media Platforms for App Promotion  

Social media is an essential component of any mobile user acquisition strategy. Considering that 90% of your users are active on at least two or more social media platforms for both personal and professional reasons, it makes sense to engage them where they spend most of their time. 

Take the game Clash of Clans as an example – they utilize social media to share sneak peeks of the game, address common queries, and even solicit feedback.

You can select any platform that suits your needs and establish a deeper connection with your audience - such as fostering a community, generating content, and interacting with them directly.

In the process, make sure to inform them about your mobile app. This is how you establish a presence for your app and encourage them to look for it. A more creative and engaging approach can assist you in crafting an effective social media marketing strategy.

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#3. Influencer Marketing  

Earning the trust of your audience and building a following can be daunting, particularly when you're new to the market. By collaborating with an influencer who already has a strong influence on your target users, you can significantly enhance your brand's credibility and visibility. Interestingly, 33% of users claim they downloaded an app because it was suggested to them.

  • Select influencers carefully: Consider influencer marketing as a comprehensive partnership, with influencers serving as extensions of your brand. While it's important to be discerning, you should also give influencers the creative liberty to portray your brand in a manner that aligns with their own brand and audience.
  • Choose the appropriate platform: Facebook, Instagram, or YouTube. When deciding on a platform, take into account where your target audience spends their time.
  • Emphasize storytelling: Collaborate with the influencer to narrate how your app integrates into their lives and influences the aspects they (and their followers) value.

#4. Creating Compelling App Store Listings and Screenshots 

An effective app store listing is your first interaction with potential users. It should be engaging and informative. Highlight the unique features of your app and why it stands out from the competition. Use simple language and short sentences to keep it readable. 

Here’s how you can create compelling app store listings:

  • Unique Features: Highlight the unique features of your app. List down the functionalities that make it stand out from competitors. This can be your app’s unique selling point (USP).
  • Language: Use simple language and short sentences to keep it readable. This ensures that the information is easily digestible.
  • Screenshots: Screenshots are visual aids that showcase your app's functionality and design. They should be high-quality and representative of the user experience. 
  • Captions: Include captions to guide the viewer's understanding of each screenshot. This helps to provide context to the visuals.

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#5. App Launch Campaigns and Promotional Tactics 

Launching your app is a crucial phase in the marketing process. A well-planned launch campaign can generate buzz and drive initial downloads. Use the following steps to enhance your app launch campaigns. 

  • Promotional Tactics: Use a mix of promotional tactics such as press releases, social media marketing, influencer collaborations, and paid advertisements. 
  • Target Audience: Tailor your message to your target audience, ensuring that your marketing efforts resonate with the right people.
  • Consistency: Maintaining consistency across all platforms helps build a strong brand image.

#6. User Acquisition and Retention Strategies 

Acquiring new users is essential for your app, but retaining the old ones is equally crucial. Implement strategies like personalized onboarding, regular updates, and responsive customer service to enhance user retention. Use push notifications and email marketing to re-engage inactive users. 

  • Onboarding: Implement personalized onboarding to enhance user retention. This helps new users understand how to use your app.
  • Re-engagement: Use push notifications and email marketing to re-engage inactive users. This can help to bring back users who have stopped using your app.
  • Incentives: Consider offering incentives like in-app rewards or discounts to encourage continued use. This can help to increase user loyalty.

#7. Measuring and Analyzing App’s ROI 

Measuring your app's return on investment (ROI) is essential to gauge its success. This involves tracking key performance indicators (KPIs) like download numbers, user engagement, retention rate, and revenue. You can use the following metrics to measure and analyze your app’s ROI:

  • KPIs: Key Performance Indicators include download numbers, user engagement, retention rate, and revenue. These metrics provide insights into your app's performance.
  • Analytics Tools: Use analytics tools to collect and analyze data. This helps you understand user behavior and app usage patterns.
  • Continuous Optimization: Remember, continuous analysis and optimization are key to a successful app. Always strive to improve based on the insights you gain. 

#8. App Store Advertising

Advertising in app stores is a powerful way to boost your app's visibility. You can do this through sponsored listings, banners, or even video ads. By focusing on users' interests, demographics, and app usage patterns, you can connect with potential users who are actively exploring app stores and encourage them to download your app.

For instance, consider the dating app "Tinder". They utilized app store advertising to enhance their app's visibility on platforms like the App Store and Google Play Store. By strategically bidding on relevant keywords and placements, Tinder ensured their app stood out in search results and category listings. This led to an increase in app downloads and user acquisition.

#9. Cross-promotion

Cross-promotion is a strategy where you advertise your app to the users of other apps, either within your own collection of apps or through alliances with other app developers. By capitalizing on your current user base or partnering with similar apps in your field, you can tap into new user groups and boost app downloads via reciprocal promotion and endorsement.

Let’s understand it with an example - 

The mobile game publisher "Supercell" as an example. They employ cross-promotion for their range of games by using in-game banners, alerts, and interstitial ads. By advertising new game launches or updates to its existing players, Supercell can direct traffic and downloads to its other games, taking advantage of the success and popularity of its current titles. Supercell also collaborates with other games for cross-promotion initiatives.

#10. Freemium Model with In-App Purchases

The freemium model provides a complimentary version of your application with restricted features or content. However, it offers the option to buy premium features or extra content within the app. This model allows users to get a feel for your app's basic functionality at no cost and then promotes the purchase of premium features through in-app buying options. This strategy can draw a broader audience and generate income from those who find additional value worth paying.

Here’s an example of an in-app purchase -

For instance, the popular mobile game "PUBG" uses the freemium model with in-app buying options to monetize its app and attract users. The game is available for free download and play, but players have the option to buy virtual currency, upgrades, and other in-game items to enrich their gaming experience and advance more quickly.

#11. Affiliate Marketing

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Affiliate marketing is more like an invitation system in the viral loop. However, the key distinction is that affiliate programs typically offer monetary rewards to their members. You give the links and content for your affiliates to share among their followers.

Affiliate marketing is well-regarded for several reasons: these programs provide a high commission, generate excellent content for affiliates to distribute, and extend support. This results in affiliates enthusiastically endorsing your app to their audiences.


Creating a successful mobile app marketing and user acquisition strategy is a challenging task. However, you can overcome challenges and elevate your app with the right insights and a data-driven mindset. By merging effective planning, optimizing your app, and producing captivating content, you can draw, engage, and retain valuable users.

Remember, consistency is the key to user acquisition. Monitor your KPIs, modify your strategies as needed, and stay current with the newest trends. At Mtoag Technologies, we excel in assisting mobile apps like yours to navigate the intricacies of user acquisition. Our strategies will ensure your mobile app achieves its maximum potential.

Don't hesitate to contact our skilled team today. Let's collaborate to unlock your app's potential and reach your business objectives.

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