cost to make Food Delivery App like UberEats or Grubhub

Raju Ram Khakhal
May 31, 2019

How much does it cost to make Food Delivery App like UberEats or Grubhub?

Eating tasty delicacies and piping hot food right in the comfort of your home, office or even on the go without sweating it out in the kitchen is something that most would definitely enjoy doing. That is the magic of the online food delivery mobile app service that major companies like UberEats, Zomato, Swiggy or Grubhub cater to their millions of hungry customers all over the world.

Statista recent reports state that the online food delivery app market has grown extensively and in India alone there is a tremendous business flow amounting to US$7k million and growing on a rapid scale.

So if you are a start-up or a business owner who is interested in entering this money making market of best food delivery app, it is best to take a uniformed view about the various features of the mobile app, the technical structure, development stages, competitor analysis and market survey. Many entrepreneurs or start-ups, which forayed into this food delivery app business in haste and without doing their proper homework have faced tremendous difficulties and ultimately had to shut down.

Mtoag technologies are a professional web development and mobile app development companies usa who are experts at developing food delivery apps like UberEats and Grubhub. If you are interested to delve into this fascination food delivery app market to get a share of your cake, we can help you out with developing the same. Read on to get a snapshot idea of this burgeoning industry.

Target Audience

The target audience depends on people’s choice of foods which can vary from a variety of different cuisines cooked a-la-carte food menus to healthy options of salads and soups to fast foods or hot/cold beverages. It is up to you to choose your niche market depending upon your demographic location and normal food patterns of customers.

In today’s developed world, people seem to have less time on their hands doing a variety of jobs and other essentials means of earning livelihood. Though food is an essential part of daily existence; cooking has taken a backseat in most households today. Your target audience has multiplied multi-fold as can be observed from the given below list:

  • Males/females time-pressed for cooking would prefer eating out or ordering online
  • Couples with or without kids who order foods for a change of taste
  • Students living in hostels
  • Corporate parties
  • Kitty parties
  • Holidays/events
  • Reaching late – no time to cook – order online

It is clearly evident that there has been a sea change from traditional cooking environment to ordering foods from food delivery apps. If you want to make your own food delivery app then contact us.

Competitor Analysis

This is a must before entering into the food delivery app market. Gone are the days when people would blindly follow an idea and get on with it in a careless way and fall face down due to this attitude. Competitor analysis heightens your chances of success as you become aware of your competition. It is also helpful in understanding the business acumen that your competitors have put in to be in the forefront of the food delivery app business. Some of the important points to consider are:

  • Demographic location
  • Services provided
  • Customers and their preferences
  • Reasons that made them click
  • Do’s and Don’ts
  • Profit and loss statement

“Forewarned is forearmed”. Analyze the collected data and proceed on to meet your business goals.

Build a collaborative partner network

To smoothly maneuver your food delivery app business it is highly essential to build a collaborative network with food outlets and restaurants in your demographic city location. The business model of the food delivery app will define the partners that you select.

UberEats and Grubhub are food delivery app companies that act as an in-between company, providing logistic support for restaurants and food outlets. Their source of income is through commissions that they earn from restaurants as well as customers. Plus they also have an advertisement section where restaurants can advertise to stay upfront from their nearest competition. Get an app like Grofers at simple cost

Technical Aspects, UI/UX and Feature-rich Solutions

UI/UX play a pivotal role in enhancing user experience with your food delivery app. Simple yet attractive layout and user friendliness with the app play an important role in the success of the food delivery app.

The essential technical aspects for a food delivery app can be divided into 4 segments. They are:

1) Customer Panel

The customer panel will contain the food delivery app website, list of restaurants and food outlets registered with you, attractive menu display, selection of dishes for ordering, checkout and online payment options via debit/credit card/e-wallets/net banking or cash on delivery facility, option to change order and last but not the least is a cancellation and refund option in case of wrong delivery or cancelled delivery.

Customer Panel will also have a section for Ratings and Reviews of food quality, delivery driver cordiality behavior and timely delivery. This helps in engaging customer interaction with your app and also helps in providing the best food delivery app service.

2) Restaurant / Food Outlet Panel

The restaurant or food outlet panel will contain an Order Management system, Customer Relationship Management and CMS systems in place. This will help in reducing human intervention and maximizing an automated process for speedy maneuver of order placement and readied for delivery.

3) Delivery Driver Panel

The delivery driver panel of the food delivery app will be enthused with the list of orders placed by customers. The driver will have the option to select the food delivery outlet and pickup and deliver the order. The driver panel will also contain a Google Maps feature with easy driving directions to the restaurant and customer locations. We also make custom MILK DELIVERY App.

4) Admin Panel

The Admin will be able to monitor the orders received, placed, logistics, ratings and reviews through the Admin Panel. He will also have a transaction history and be able to collect commissions and conduct payouts. The Admin will also be able to offer discounts and promotional offers to users along with other important functions.

Now that you have understood what all goes into making the best food delivery app, it is time to consider the cost factors for the same. The amount of features that you select for the food delivery app along with the different platforms of iOS, Android, Windows or Web applications will ascertain the cost estimation for the same. Let’s talk on phone or send us an email for the best quotation for the food delivery app. Mtoag Technologies is here for you!

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